Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Mitch McConnell to step down as Senate Minority leader.


Mitch McConnell. Official portrait.

Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is going to step down this November. BBC. The embattled leader had run afoul with the Trump wing of the party after the two had a falling out over the 2020 election. McConnell had been key is getting Republicans elected and had many accomplishments including many judicial appointments. But his willingness to sell out Republican priorities, including immigration, foreign policy and the 2020 election put him at odds with much of the party. McConnell did not mention why he was resigning his position, and it is not thought to be related to medical scares he has had after a concussion. McConnell said he intended to continue his service as a senator until 2027 when his term ends, just not as a leader. 

My Comment:

I've got mixed feelings about this. Mitch McConnell did have some legitimate accomplishments as Senate Majority Leader, which he was for 20 years. Indeed, the fact that he managed to get so many judicial appointments during Trump's 1st term is a great accomplishment and one that will help Republicans for at least a generation. 

But it was clear it was time for McConnell to go. His age alone was a huge concern. Indeed, last year he had a "Biden" moment of his own where he froze up for an uncomfortably long time. That may have been due to his advanced age or a concussion he had earlier in the year, but it was clear that he was not the same man he once was. There's a very strong argument that the Republicans need fresh leadership but it's very serious that so much of America's leadership is so old. 

Even ignoring the issue of his age, it was clear that McConnell was totally out of touch with his electorate. The fact that he didn't contest an obviously crooked and unfair 2020 election was damning. He absolutely could have fought if he had chosen to do so, but he did not and as far as I am concerned that's when his career ended. 

But it wasn't just the election that Republicans were furious with him about. He also was all too ready to betray his base to work with Democrats. When people talk of the "uniparty" McConnell was the best example. He was far too willing to give Democrats everything they want while getting nothing in return. 

His stupid immigration deal was a good example of that. Instead of simply deporting illegal immigrants, McConnell was willing to sell out his base by allowing a major amnesty and not closing the border. Thankfully the house laughed the supposed compromise right out of their chambers and it will never come up for a vote. 

McConnell was also bad on foreign policy. Indeed, anyone that supports the war in Ukraine at this point should be kicked out of the party. Doing so is just baffling since it's very clear that Russia has won the war and nothing short of nuclear weapons could stop that now. Republicans are no longer a war party and McConnell was one of the last examples of being a warhawk in the party. 

Finally, I think it's also clear that the timing of McConnell's resignation isn't a mistake. He's doing it in November. Why? Because if he does so no new senators elected in 2024 will be able to vote on new leadership. He wants one of his hand picked successors to be the new Senate leader and if the Republicans pick up a lot of new MAGA senators in 2024, which they should, they won't be able to vote. It's just another action that shows that McConnell is not on the same side as his party... 

The good news is that the neocon wing of the Republican Party is dead. The party has moved in a more paleocon/libertarian/populist direction and neocons like McConnell are almost gone. He's the biggest name they have left and he just announced that he is done. 

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