Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Joe Biden and the White House claim he's running in 2024...


Joe Biden today at the White House. Reuters. 

Joe Biden and the White House claim that he will be running in 2024. Yahoo News. Biden's press secretary today said that Biden intends to run and yesterday news broke that Biden had told Al Sharpton he was running. Biden's advanced age has been a major concern even before he announced his 2020 run. However, several incidents have dramatically increased that concern, with the most recent one showing Biden calling for a Representative that had died tragically months ago. Biden asked "Where's Jackie" referring to Republican Jackie Waloriski at an event about hunger. However, Biden telling Sharpton is a clear signal that he wants to run given that it has been traditional for Democrats to do so since Lyndon Johnson. Any run by Biden will not be made official until he files the paperwork, which he has not done. 

My Comment:

I will state the obvious here, given Biden's advanced age and his mental and physical decline, there is a strong change that Biden won't even be alive by the time the 2024 election happens, let alone when he would supposedly take office in 2025. Biden is 79 years old and in questionable health. And his mental state is not good. 

The "Where's Jackie" incident is far from the only incident of Biden showing signs of dementia. He's often inappropriately angry and also seems to forget what he is talking about. He often stumbles on his words, which, to be fair, he also did before he was this old. But I remember Biden from his senate days and his days as VP and he was dramatically more sharp and coherent back then. I remember his VP debate with Paul Ryan and honestly, there is an argument to be made that he won that debate. Today I don't see him debating his way out of a paper bag. 

Biden's health is obviously a concern as it is, let alone what his health will be in 2024. In my opinion, there is a strong case to be made that Biden should be removed under the 25th Amendment. Biden is essentially incapacitated and cannot really serve as President right now. Not that I want Kamala Harris in there, nor does anyone else. 

Of course all of this is pretty moot if Biden can't win his primary campaign. I get the feeling that Biden will be the first president in a long time to face a primary challenge that he may actually lose. Biden's approval is in the toilet now, and I am guessing it's not going to get any better. Many Democrats want someone, anyone, else. Who that might be is somewhat of a question, much of the Democrat's field have been tarred by association with Joe Biden, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone steps up to take Biden down. 

But if he does win, does he have a chance in 2024? I can't see how. Biden only won in 2024 due to the Coronavirus pandemic, mail in voting, tech censorship, and loose voter laws. Many or even most of those things won't be relevant in 2024. The pandemic is over, voter laws have been tightened and now Elon Musk is confirmed to be buying Twitter, so there will be at least one uncensored big tech outlet. 

Plus Biden will face a strong opponent. Donald Trump may run and many people have admitted they were wrong about him, given how terrible Biden has been in his place. And if Trump doesn't want to run, Ron DeSantis is waiting in the wings. Both of them should be able to destroy Biden under the current circumstances, let alone after two more years of Biden's failures. 

Again though, all of this is irrelevant if Biden is unable to run in 2024. Given his decline I can't see him be in any position to run in 2024, assuming he is even alive. My guess is that Biden won't make it through his term with his brain intact. I don't think for a moment that he will be the candidate in 2024 and if it he is it will be an utter disaster for the Democrats. 

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