Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Senate passes the Sunshine Protection Act, which would make daylight savings time permanent.


A sunset. Wikipedia user Kskhh. 

The Senate has passed the Sunshine Protection Act, which would make daylight savings time permanent. USA Today. Currently, expect in states that don't practice daylight savings time, the time is set forward one hour 8 months of the year. The practice is widely reviled due to the forced changing of clocks every spring and fall, which leads to major health problems and causes accidents. Popular support for removing the change was widespread, but there is disagreement about whether to stick with daylight savings time or standard time. The bill passed the Senate with unanimous consent and now goes to the House. 

My Comment:

If this actually works out it will be the best thing that the Senate has ever done. I can't tell you how much I hate switching the clocks every year. I probably hate it more than anything else, and I would have seriously voted for Hillary Clinton or even Joe Biden if they had made it the cornerstone of the campaign. The day that the clock changes for the last time will be a day worthy of celebration. 

I won't speak for anyone else but the clock change always completely destroys my sleep cycle. I'm not even sure what it is, because switching from day shift to night shift wasn't that bad and vise versa. Jet lag isn't that bad. But changing times every spring and fall? Totally discombobulates me. It totally disrupts my sleep pattern and it's pretty much guaranteed to screw up how much sleep I get for about a month after it happens. I hate it more than just about anything else as sleep is already a precious commodity. 

The real important things is if it will pass the house as well. I actually have no idea. Getting rid of the time change is widely popular and I am thinking that people would love this, but Congress is always distracted by other things that usually don't matter. And I also don't know if Joe Biden would allow it to pass. Given he penchant for doing exactly the wrong thing in every situation I could see him vetoing it. But if he does allow it to pass I can say "at least he did one good thing in his miserable presidency".

I can't tell you how disappointed I would be if this doesn't become law of the land. I have hated the time change my entire life and to have it not come to pass after this would be devastating. Guy sitting at the electric chair, gets a call from the governor and instead of a pardon he hears the governor say "fry the bastard". It would be horrible. 

I don't have strong opinions on if it should remain standard time or remain daylight savings time. I probably would like daylight savings time more because I am a lot more active in the afternoon and evenings than I am in the morning and it would be nice to have light out. But I would honestly like either if we just got rid of the time change. Hopefully this passes.... 

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