Saturday, July 25, 2020

US Navy's UFO program is continuing, consultant says the government recovered items "not of this world".

The Pentagon. National Review.

The US Navy's UFO program is continuing and a consultant says that the government has recovered items "not of this world". National Review. Eric W. Davis worked as a consultant for the Navy's program as late as last March and said that he had given briefings to a defense agency and the Senate's Armed Services and Intelligence committees about UFO's and claimed that in some cases his unit was unable to determine the origin of recovered materials. Davis came to believe that those materials were not made on Earth. Many other people who worked in the unit have also said the same thing but they are unable to prove their claims due to classification. Regardless, the encounters between UFO's and military aircraft and bases are concerning even if the incidents have a terrestrial explanation. This is why after the original unit was disbanded, the program continued under the US Navy. The unit has said that they will be releasing some information to the public every six months. 

My Comment:
I know I'm a day late with this post but I figured it would be a nice change of pace from all the negative news stories out there. I guess this one could be viewed either way but at least it's something different than crime and coronavirus! 

First though, I think I should offer an important caveat. It's the opinion of these workers that the materials recovered are not from Earth. That's kind of different than the government saying it itself. Still, it's a big step in a different direction that these men are being allowed to speak out about this and it seems like the Pentagon is taking the idea seriously, which is a major change to past actions when it comes to UFO's. 

And I totally agree that this is a national security threat. Some of these objects have interacted with our military forces, including the much publicized incidents with our U.S. Navy. Other objects have been seen near US military bases and nuclear power facilities. The mere fact that is the case and we don't know what these objects are is a major threat. 

Even if the explanation is terrestrial then it's still a huge deal. That would mean that a government has developed technology so powerful and materials so advanced that we can't even identify them. That would be a game changing scenario and would obviously shift the global power scheme in favor of whoever has this technology, assuming it's not the US government and it's a case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing. 

Of course the other option is even more of a huge deal. Not only would we not be alone in the universe, the aliens are already hear and are messing with our military defenses. That is, to say the least, concerning. Though I doubt we could mount any kind of defense to an alien invasion even knowing that they are here is bad news. Of course, in such a scenario we would be pretty blind to what the aliens would want regardless unless they decided to openly communicate with us. 

There are other options of course. Something a lot stranger could be going on, even stranger than aliens. These objects could be from another dimension or even time travelers from the future. Or perhaps supernatural in origin. The fact is we just don't know at this point. 

The last option though is probably the most likely and the one the skeptic community has latched onto. And that is that these objects are natural phenomenon not related to advanced technology or aliens. The sightings are due to human or mechanical error, not due to manned objects. Though this is the most likely outcome, it is also the most boring. 

Finally, I have to say that regardless of the origin of UFO's it's a good thing that they are being investigated and studied. Even without the obvious military concerns, doing so is advancing human knowledge. Even if we only get a normal non-alien explanation it's still advancing the cause of science and we could be making major breakthroughs studying what these investigators have found. I personally am eager to hear what this unit reveals once the findings are made public. 

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