Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Police departments are withdrawing from the Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee.

The site of the Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. 

 Police departments are withdrawing from the Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee Wisconsin. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. At least 100 departments have withdrawn their officers due to concerns over Milwaukee's insistence to not use pepper spray and tear gas. The plan was to bring 1000 officers to help secure the site of the convention. However, with towns like Fond du Lac, Franklin, Greendale, and West Allis have pulled out. Only 60 agencies remain and it is not guaranteed that those agencies won't withdraw as well. The police have cited the danger of civil unrest and the inability to handle violent riots without the use of tear gas and pepper spray. 

My Comment:
I think all of the officers involved should refuse to go to Milwaukee in the first place. The Democrats have made hating police and making them a target for violence. It's in their platform that they want to de-fund the police and they have painted cops as racist thugs that murder black people for no reason. Why would any cop want to support that? 

Of course even under better circumstances the police would be hard pressed to control crowds with their hands tied behind their backs. Having tear gas and pepper spray is necessary as they are non-lethal ways to control the crowd. If you don't have it you either have to let the rioters do whatever they want, try and control them with nothing but riot shields, or use lethal force. None of those are acceptable for obvious reasons. 

It's insane to me as I know that Milwaukee needs all the help they can get. Though Wisconsin hasn't been hit as hard as other states when it comes to riots, it still has the potential to be bad. We have a lot of bad actors in Madison and Milwaukee and it's only a short drive from Chicago where there have been riots for weeks now. They need as many cops as they can get but now they aren't going to get them.

And the Democratic National Convention was always going to be a disaster. I'm convinced we were always going to see a wave of riots in the summer of 2020, but the Coronavirus and the George Floyd death kicked them off a couple of months early. Antifa and the other bad actors on the far left are furious with the DNC for not picking Bernie Sanders and they want their payback. Plus they hate President Trump too and think that their rioting will end with a communist/anarchist revolution against them. It was always going to be bad and I don't think there is any reason why it won't continue to be bad. 

I'm expecting Milwaukee to be a disaster. Not only has their been civil unrest for awhile now, I think there is a good chance of a riot. And given that I think that Kamala Harris is going to be Biden's VP, I think that Black Lives Matter will likely show up as well. Activists, rioters and criminals of all stripes will show up and cause problems. 

But with the police handicapped and unable to disperse crowds? It's going to be even uglier. I'm hoping things won't be as bad as Minneapolis but there's a good chance that it could be even worse. We are talking arson, property damage, violence and perhaps even death. 

As a resident of Wisconsin it greatly angers me that the Democrats are holding their convention here. Not only do I worry about what will happen to our cops, I also worry that my tax dollars will go to rebuilding the city after Antifa and Black Lives Matter destroy it. If it were up to me not a single dollar of my taxes would go to it and every single cent in damage would be charged to the Democratic Party, who, along with the media, I hold responsible for these riots. 

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