Wednesday, July 1, 2020

The left turns on Mt. Rushmore with the New York Times targeting the monument.

Mt. Rushmore. Wikipedia user Winkelvi.

A new New York Times report has bashed Mt. Rushmore as being racist. Fox News. The article claims that sculptor Gutzon Borglum was racist and supported the Klu Klux Klan. The monument was also built on what was Lakota land. Most importantly they bashed Presidents Washington and Jefferson for being slave owners. The comment caused outrage as a wave of iconoclasm has spread through the Democratic party, with statues of prominent Americans from history have been toppled. On Monday the Democrats released a tweet condemning Mt. Rushmore but it was quickly deleted. 

My Comment:
Remember back in the day when people were defending Confederate monuments argued that it would not stop with those statues? That eventually the mob would be going after statues of Washington and Jefferson because they were slave owners? That they would go after Mt. Rushmore even?

Looks like those folks were right. We didn't push back when the woke mob went after the Confederate monuments and now they have moved on to bigger and better things. They have already toppled and attacked statues of Lincon, Ghandi and even Churchill, so it's not wonder that they would come after Mt. Rushmore next.

I don't care much about the background of the sculptor. It's insane to judge people in the past by modern standards as they had no way to know that things would change so much. Whatever the future takes it will be sure that they won't approve of the things we are doing today. Does that mean that in the future it would be fine for our descendants to destroy everything we have worked for and tear down all our works or art? Of course not!

I also don't buy the argument that this area was sacred to the Lakota so we should tear down Mt. Rushmore. It's sad but true but if you lose a war you don't get to complain about what happens to your territory. And I'd claim that Mt. Rushmore is more sacred to most Americans than the mountains are to the Lakota. It's one of our biggest artistic accomplishments and one of the most recognizable and obvious symbols of America.

Which is, of course, why outlets like the New York Times is attacking Mt. Rushmore. To them America is a deeply racist country and there is nothing worth saving about it. All the symbols of the country, like Mt. Rushmore, the American Flag and the Lincoln Memorial, are deeply racist and should be destroyed, along with the people that aren't on board with their destruction.

A more optimistic take is that the New York Times is only attacking Mt. Rushmore because President Trump is speaking there on July 4th. I really don't think that's the case though as the New York Times has been attacking all of American History with their 1619 project. They hate President Trump, yes, but he's only the excuse they are using to do something they want to do anyways, which is move the Overton Window far enough where even Mt. Rushmore isn't safe...

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