Friday, April 12, 2019

Is President Trump serious about dumping illegal aliens into sanctuary cities?

President Donald Trump. Official picture. 

President Donald Trump has threatened to dump illegal aliens in so called "sanctuary cities". Fox News. Despite earlier denials by the White House, President Trump confirmed rumors that the plan had been considered. Trump said the plan could still be in play via Twitter. Democrats fumed at the idea with Nancy Pelosi, who represents the San Francisco area which is one of the cities mentioned, blasting the plan. It is unclear if ICE and other government agencies will support the plan. 

My Comment:
I'm pretty sure that President Trump is just trolling here. Someone leaked a proposal to the media, the media took it serious and Trump just went "sure, let's go with that". It certainly could happen but I won't believe that this is a serious proposal until I see evidence that it's going to happen. Right now all we have is a couple of statements from the President and that's it.

As a political move it's brilliant. He's forcing these sanctuary cities to put up or shut up. Either they have take in thousands of illegals, housing, feeding and employing hundreds of thousands of them, or they admit that unrestricted immigration is a bad thing for them. The first option bankrupts them and will cause a backlash which may result in them being voted out. The second option reveals those cities to be total hypocrites.

The reaction has been pretty predictable with the Democrats calling Trump horrible but not really offering any alternatives. Since they are preventing solutions like deportation and building the wall, why shouldn't they pay the extra costs they are inflicting on the rest of the country? That's the argument of course.

As a policy, do I like it? Not really. I'd much prefer that all of these people were deported instead. Dropping them on sanctuary cities is karma for them, but doesn't really do much to solve the problem. Concentrating them all the the same areas will help somethings but is still a long term problem. Federal dollars will still be spent on them, they will have anchor babies who will be citizens and they will cause crime and other problems.

Getting rid of these people is the only real thing we can do that will solve any of these problems. Trump has been handcuffed by congress and the various state governments but I think he can still deport at least some of them. It's just crazy to me that we aren't allowed to remove people that come here illegally. This proposal isn't really a solution, but it's better than nothing.

All that being said, I think that this isn't a serious proposal and it's just a political move by Trump. He's trying to expose the hypocrisy of the Democrats and cause a media firestorm. But that's all this is. And even if it does happen it won't have much of an effect on anything. 

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