Sunday, April 7, 2019

Eric Swalwell, one of the most anti-gun congressmen, is considering a run for president in 2020.

Eric Swalwell's congressional picture.

Anti-gun congressman Eric Swalwell is expected to announce a 2020 run for president on a gun control platform. The Hill. Swalwell will announce his run on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert along with Cameron Kasky, a gun control advocated from Parkland. Swalwell hasn't confirmed he is running but he has said that gun control will be his most important policy issue. 

My Comment:
This news is a few days old, but I just heard about it now. I have a couple posts up about Eric Swalwell and his intense hatred of guns. If he does run he will be by far the worst option on gun rights, assuming Michael Bloomberg doesn't run. 

Swalwell goes far beyond most gun control advocates. Though many have proposed an "assault weapons" ban, most of them would allow a grandfather clause that would allow people to keep the rifles they already own. Swalwell would force a buyback offering an insultingly low price of $1000 per rifle and would arrest people who didn't comply (which would be most gun owners). 

Even worse, Swalwell said in a now deleted tweet if people rose up to fight back against such an unconstitutional law, the government would use nuclear weapons on their own citizens. Nobody else in the gun control community has gone as far as Swalwell has and he even got some criticism from his own side for that statement. But it's clear that if he were to become president he'd be a clear and present danger to the actual lives of gun owners, let alone their civil rights. Even if he didn't mean he'd literally nuke us, he is saying that he doesn't really care if gun owners die if it means he gets the laws he wants.

I do think that if Swalwell somehow became president and implemented his gun control agenda he has a very good chance of kicking off a 2nd American Civil War. I mean, if he bans AR's and sends people to go door to door people will die. Gun owners just aren't complying with gun control laws, as the New York and New Jersey laws and the bump stock ban prove. And if he's serious about nuking civilians than it's pretty much guaranteed to change from civil disobedience and civil unrest to actual open warfare. 

Thankfully, Swalwell has a long shot at both the nomination and the presidency. No Democratic candidate has much of a chance at beating Trump, but I doubt Swalwell will make it that far. Swalwell is pretty much an unknown outside of the gun rights community where he is infamous and gun control is still not a winning issue for Democrats. 

Plus Swalwell doesn't really appeal to anyone. His only issue is gun control, which isn't that popular, and he doesn't really appeal to any of the factions of the Democratic Party. The establishment doesn't really care about gun control that much other than as a wedge issue, the economic leftists will see him as establishment and the "woke" racist left will hate him because he's a white male. In short, he doesn't appeal to anyone other than a few crazed gun control supporters. 

Still, I fear Swalwell understands that he doesn't have a chance of winning but has other goals. My guess is that this is a protest run designed to push the Democratic Party to the left on the issue. By running as a huge extremist he may force the other Democrats to be more vocal on gun control and may even push more stupid laws. 

I take solace in the fact that pretty much nobody outside of the gun rights community even knows who Swalwell is. It's important to keep in mind that he really isn't a national figure and is a total long shot for president. I'm still more worried about a potential run from Michael Bloomberg. Bloomberg is also a longshot and probably won't run, but he's got billions of dollars and can influence the race even from the sidelines. He's not as extreme as Swalwell is, nobody is, but he's still a huge danger. 

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