Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Attorney General William Barr says the Obama administration spied on Donald Trump's 2016 campaign

US Attorney General William Barr. Reuters.

Attorney General William Barr testified to congress that US intelligence agencies spied on President Donald Trump's campaign in 2016. Reuters. When asked about the spying Barr said he believed that spying did occur and he wanted to determine if it was legal or not. Barr did not explain why he thought the spying could have been illegal. President Trump went further saying the investigation into his campaign was started illegally and amounted to treason. 

My Comment:
Man, the reporting on this issue isn't anywhere near objective. Even Reuters, which is usually one of the more unbiased outlets, put out a frankly shameful post. Instead of focusing on what Barr said, they did everything they could to repeat Democratic talking points and try to discredit the real concerns about how the investigation into President Trump began. This is a huge story but one that our media hasn't even come close to covering with the seriousness and objectivity it deserves.

It's been clear for a very long time that the investigation was in fact crooked from the start. The Clinton campaign, along with GOP enemies of Trump, commissioned the Christopher Steele "piss" dossier that was largely discredited and completely unverifiable. They then used that dossier as evidence, after leaking it to the press, and spied on President Trump. None of that is debatable and it's very likely it was illegal as well. 

There is also very strong evidence that the FBI tried to entrap various members of the Trump campaign. Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting with a supposed Russian with dirt on the Clinton's was a good example. The Russian woman in that case was a Fusion GPS member and it was clear that the only reason she went there was to tempt Trump's team to doing something illegal. 

Michael Flynn was another example. He was arrested for lying to the FBI, but he never knew he was being investigated and the FBI can basically arrest anyone who talks to them on those charges. He got fired, arrested and lost most of his money so he plead guilty but he actually did nothing wrong at all until Flynn talked to the FBI. 

It's my belief that this really was treason. Working with a foreign intelligence agent, who paid Russians for his sources in order to interfere with an election is treason. At the very least, the main players in this scandal should be going to prison. 

Will that happen? I don't know. It sounds like there are multiple investigations going on and I am sure that, at the very least, James Comey is going to go to prison, along with several other lower level FBI and Justice Department officials. I'd be happy if it goes beyond that but I don't want to get my hopes up. 

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