Monday, February 18, 2019

Tensions rise between India and Pakistan after recent terror attacks in Kashmir.

A building burns after a battle between Kashmir militants and Indian troops. New York Times/AP.

After two deadly terror attacks in Kashmir, relations between India and Pakistan have deteriorated. New York Times.  An Indian Army Major was killed along with at least three other soldiers days after a bombing that killed dozens of Indian soldiers. India has accused Pakistan of orchestrating the violence in the Kashmir region. Kashmir is claimed by both India and Pakistan and is a majority Muslim area while India is majority Hindu. The violence has resulted in a wave of nationalism and harassment of Pakistanis. Both India and Pakistan have withdrawn their ambassadors.

My Comment:
This story hasn't gotten much play in Western media but I think it's an important story. Both India and Pakistan have nuclear arsenals and a major breakdown in their relations is important. I don't think an actual war is likely, but even a chance of a nuclear war between India and Pakistan is newsworthy.

Though I have never bought the idea that a nuclear war would end human life on earth, it would still be a very bad thing. Millions of people would die in India and Pakistan and the nuclear fallout could contaminate other countries in the region. And neither country has enough nuclear weapons to actually win the war so it wouldn't even stop the fighting. 

Despite the obvious devastating effects such a war would have on the populations of India and Pakistan, it would also extend far beyond the Indian sub-continent. The global economy would likely be wrecked and any country that relies heavily in trade with India and/or Pakistan would see major economic damage. And there is a chance that other countries could use the disruption to settle old scores. 

Still, it's not like war is in the interest of India or Pakistan. They both know that war would be devastating to either side and wouldn't really do anything to solve their problem. The hatred between Muslims and Hindus isn't going to go away even after a major war. 

Kashmir is one of the major tinder boxes in the world right now being disputed territory with many militants causing problems. These terror groups want independence or to fully join Pakistan and tens of thousands of people have died in the past in the area. As long as that is the case there is a chance of a wider war. 

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