Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Message I received from my congressman.

Since I occasionally send messages to my elected officials, they sometimes send something to me. In this case I got sent a e-mail about taxpayer funded trips during government shutdowns. Mike Gallagher introduced a bill that would prevent this in the future and asked if I supported it. It's obviously in response to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's attempted foreign policy trip in the middle of the shutdown. Here's the e-mail:

I obviously selected no as I have always said that congress should prioritize ending any government shutdowns over pretty much anything else other than a foreign policy emergency or major natural disaster. It's good legislation and I hope it passes. I have no idea if it would or not but it should have bipartisan support. People hate shutdowns and want them to end as soon as possible. They don't want to see members of congress running across the world when the government isn't running. 

Usually this wouldn't be that notable but people always seem to like to read what my elected officials send me. Expect a short post like this whenever I get something from my congressman, senators or whoever. 

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