Monday, February 4, 2019

New video showcases the Covington Catholic Boys/Nick Sandmann scandal

Just a quick follow up to yesterdays post detailing the Covington Catholic boys scandal, one of the law firms representing Nick Sandmann has released a video showing their side of the story. It's about 15 minutes long and details many of the lies, deception and other facts of the case. 

If you have been paying attention to the story at all you probably know most of the details already but even I learned some things that were new from this video. First of all, I had no clue that the Black Hebrew Israelites were harassing the American Indians who had been there to march. They said some pretty racist things about them as well. 

Second, it details quite a bit how deceptive Nathan Philips actually is. I hadn't actually listened to the guy until now and it was an eye opener how deceptive he really is. He not only lied and continues to lie about this incident after the truth has came out, but he also lied about another incident that had occurred in the past which was later revealed to be false. He has zero credibility. 

That's about all I have on this one. I saw the video late last night and I didn't have time to both watch it and write something up about it. Most people have probably already saw the video but I thought I would post it anyways just to hopefully reach the people that haven't seen it yet. 

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