Monday, December 10, 2018

Russia is deploying Tu-160 "Blackjack" strategic bombers to Venezuela in a training exercise.

A Russian Tu-160. Kremlin photo. 

Russia will be deploying Tu-160 "Blackjack" strategic bombers in a training exercise in Venezuela. Washington Free Beacon. At least two of the bombers have flown from Russia to Venezuela. Tu-160 flights have increased recently with seven flights in the past three months. The Tu-160 is capable of launching nuclear attacks on the United States, so these flights are of interest to the United States. They have also undergone a large modernization program to bring the aging bombers up to date. The bomber visit comes after a new deal between Russia and Venezuela. Venezuela's economy is collapse but Russia has pledged an aid package for the country, though an exact amount is unclear. Russia also says it will help Venezuela's military modernize. 

My Comment:
A quick post for tonight. This move is a pretty clear message to the United States. The Russians are showing that they can reach the United States with their Tu-160's. It's a shorter journey from Russia to the United States then it is to Venezuela. 

Of course the Tu-160's aren't that much of a threat. Any attack by them would likely be intercepted before they could launch their weapons. Plus Russia doesn't have that many of them. Russia only has 16 of the planes and a few more on order. They won't be a major threat compared to Russia's large fleet of older bombers, sub fleets and ICBM's. 

US/Russia ties are not doing well right now. Despite accusations against President Trump that he is a thrall for Russia, nothing could be further from the truth. IN fact, US-Russia relations are about has terrible as they could be short of a shooting war. There seems to be little chance of things improving either. That's a huge reason why they are doing this. 

As for Venezuela, it seems as though this was a political stunt. It seems as though they too want to give a middle finger to the United States. Considering there has been threats at regime change it makes sense that they would ally with Russia. 

However, I doubt that the Russians are going to bail out the Venezuelans. It's not  problem that the Russians can fix by themselves and even if they could they have little reason to waste their money that way. They will probably offer some token support but I doubt they will do enough to save the Venezuelan economy. 

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