Saturday, December 22, 2018

Donating money to help fund the border wall with Mexico.

Brian Kolfage's GoFundMe image. 

As you may be aware of, there is an effort to crowdsource the funding for the border wall. Brian Kolfage, a US Air Force veteran and triple amputee, has set up a GoFundMe page that has already raised $14 million with a lofty goal of $5 billion. You can find that GoFundMe page here.

The effort appears to be on the up and up. Kolfage is a well known social media star and GoFundMe guarantees that he isn't scamming people. There are also efforts in congress to allow this effort to fund the wall. There are, of course, hurdles in the way, not the least of which is that the Democrats hold congress, but if enough money is donated they might just accept it just to bury the issue. 

In theory this should be the perfect solution for funding the wall. People who don't support it won't have their tax dollars going to the effort and the people that do will get to put their money where their mouth is. I remember right after President Trump was elected the liberals I know were sharing memes that said that Trump supporters should do exactly this, and I always thought that despite the obvious contempt that it was an idea that could work if all else fails. 

And it appears that every other effort has failed. The government has been shut down due to the Democrats not wanting to give any money for border security at all. Though it is unclear if that standoff will be resolved anytime soon, it seems unlikely that the Democrats will blink. And once the Democrats are sworn in next year, we probably won't get another opportunity to fund the wall in President Trump's first term. 

I ended up giving 25 bucks to the effort. Not much but enough to say that I support the wall and want it funded. I know that the effort suggested $80, but it is the Christmas season and I have limited funds. If the fundraiser continues though, I may donate again. I just want something done on this issue so badly.

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