Thursday, December 6, 2018

Michigan becomes the first midwest state to legalize recreational marijuana.

Michigan has become the first midwestern state to legalize recreational marijuana today. CBS News. Michigan passed legalization in a state wide referendum. The new law will allow people 21 years old or older to carry 2.5 ounces of pot, though they can still not smoke it in public. They are also now allowed to have 10 ounces at home and own up to 12 plants. With the new law, judges are dismissing old possession cases.  However, new pot dispensaries will not be allowed to open for some time, with the licensing process expected to take a year or more. 

My Comment:
Yet another state has legalized pot. Of course with federal laws still in effect, anyone who buys or sells pot in Michigan or any of the other states where it is legal can still go to federal prison if convicted. This legal limbo doesn't make a whole lot of sense but it is the status quo. 

However, it seems like the trend towards legal pot is continuing. Michigan is the 10th US State to legalize pot and more are considering it. In my state, Wisconsin, there were many advisory referendums that supported legalization for recreational or medial marijuana. And Canada has legalized pot nation wide. 

Is legal pot going to cause problems? Probably. Everything causes problems of course. Impaired driving is probably the most important downside to this, but I doubt that too many more people will drive while high than they already do. Plus pot does have some pretty drastic personality changes. That being said, the downsides don't really justify keeping pot illegal. 

If it was legalized in my state, would I try it? I haven't had any desire to do so in my entire life, so I doubt I would. But I have other major reasons to not partake. The most obvious one is how it would effect my gun rights. 

When you purchase a gun, one of the things on the background check is a question about if you have used illegal drugs. If you smoke pot and answer the question truthfully, even though it is legal in your state, you will be denied your gun purchase. If you lie you are committing a felony. Better to just avoid the entire issue and not smoke pot. 

And employment is an issue as well. Even if pot was legal, my company still does drug testing in the case of an on the job injury and many other jobs do as well as a condition of employment. Smoking pot isn't worth losing my job over 

I have said though that a grand deal between Republicans and Democrats is possible on the pot issue. The majority of Demcorats and the libertarian faction of the Republicans support legalization. And state's right Republicans could be convinced. President Trump has also signified that he might support a pot bill that left legalization up to the states. If that happens Michigan's legalization will mean that it will be completely legal. 

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