Monday, June 25, 2018

Video: Saudi air defenses shoot down Houthi launched ballistic missile from Yemen.

The above video shows yet another ballistic missile being shot down over Saudi Arabia. The missile was launched by Houthi rebels in Yemen and was intercepted successfully. Reuters is saying that the missiles were likely targeting the Saudi Defense Ministery in Riyadh. 

Not much else to say other then the following. 

1. It is just crazy to me that out of all possible people it's a group of rebels in Yemen that are regularly launching ballistic missiles at another country. Sure, Iran is supplying those missile for their proxy war against Saudi Arabia, but it is still a crazy world we live in. 

2. I have no idea what that weird chanting is during the video. I am assuming it isn't a voice over but I am guessing it could be the Muslim call for prayer. 

3. It looks like the Saudis are having decent success in intercepting these missiles even if they haven't had much success in stopping the attacks. I know their latest offensive is an attempt to cut off Houthi rebels from their Iranian backers but it is clearly too soon for that to have had an effect. 

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