Friday, June 22, 2018

Mexican front runner for president says Mexicans have a right to leave their towns and illegally immigrate to the United States.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador. AgenciaAndes

The front runner for President of Mexico says that Mexicans have a right to leave their villages and illegally immigrate to the United States. The Daily Caller. Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is almost certain to win July's election and he has said some rather disturbing things about immigration. He says that illegal immigration is a human right and that he would defend immigrants living in America. He also condemned Donald Trump's immigration policy repeating fake news about "children in cages". 

A second source in Spanish for these quotes can be found here.

My Comment:
Other than domestic sources and conservative media nobody is covering this story. It's a shame to because this is a gift to President Trump. It's very clear that Obrador, also known as AMLO for his initials, wants to encourage his most vulnerable civilians to leave his country and dump them on the United States. 

There is some very obvious racism and classism going on here. AMLO claims to be a far left anti-racist but it's pretty clear that ALMO views his mostly non-white underclass as a problem that needs to be removed and dumped on an unwilling northern neighbor. As a pretty clearly white man that would be problematic to say the least if he or any of the Mexican leaders were held to the same standard as American politicians are. Since he isn't, he and the Mexican government gets a free pass. 

Just imagine if the situation was reversed. America decides it no longer wants to deal with it's minorities and decides to ship them all down to Mexico. And if Mexico has a problem with it we would just call them racist. I mean that has to work right? Such a double standard. 

I'm not a huge fan of ALMO and his political views even though this sentiment is found on all sides of the Mexican presidential race. It's not an uniquely far left position unfortunately. All the other candidates with a chance in the race have said similar things about immigrants and Donald Trump. Whoever wins the Mexican presidential race, we lose. 

Still, a far left candidate is not what Mexico needs right now. Mexico's government is fabulously corrupt and expanding the social safety net is a pretty good way to expand that corruption widely. 

And it could spur another wave of migration from Mexico. Mexico isn't that great of a place to live as it is but if they take a page from Venezuela and spend all their money on social programs instead of investing into their country they could end up turning the country into a total basketcase. Especially if they provoke Donald Trump into attacking their economy. Remember remittances to Mexico from America make up a major portion of the Mexican economy and it would be trivial to tax them at 100%. 

The Mexican Drug war has a chance to spiral out of control as well. I don't trust the Cartels to just lie down and die because the Mexican people decided to elect a far left liberal. Since ALMO's plan is "hugs not guns" I fear that the Cartels could take over the country entirely... If that happens I don't see how a war between Mexico and America isn't inevitable. 

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