Wednesday, September 26, 2018

I sent a message to both my Senators showing my support for Brett Kavanaugh.

Brett Kavanaugh. US court of appeals photo. 

Today's accusations from Michael Avenatti against Brett Kavanaugh were the last straw for me. The idea that a young woman would go to high school parties, see someone get drugged and gang raped and THEN KEPT GOING TO THE SAME PARTIES 10 more times is so ludicrous to not respond to. Having to do something about this farce, I did one of the few things I am allowed to do in this Republic. I contacted my Senators.

I do know how little this will effect the outcome. My Senators, Ron Johnson and Tammy Baldwin appear to have already made up their minds about Kavanaugh. Johnson is a yes and Baldwin is a hard no. They aren't fence sitters and even though Baldwin is vulnerable in November, I doubt she would have voted yes even before this faux scandal erupted.

I have only rarely contacted government officials and I have been presently surprised by the responses I have gotten. Usually I get at least a form letter but sometimes I have received a more in depth response. They were probably written by a staffer but still, it makes you think you have some kind of impact. If I receive any kind of response to this message I will post it in a follow up post.

I had originally planned to post the entire message here but I forgot to save it. I will say that I believe the accusations against Kavanaugh to be a complete fabrication and how damaging these false accusations are to the health of the country. I asked both Senators to confirm Brett Kavanaugh. Hopefully I will get some kind of response.

If you would like to contact your Senators about this or any other issue you can use this website to find them and message them. An email is relatively painless though you do have to give them personal information so they can confirm that you are actually living in their state. Though I have never done so you can also call them via telephone.

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