Friday, June 28, 2024

Joe Biden had a terrible debate, will he be replaced?


As you are probably aware, the 1st Presidential Debate happened last night and it did not go well for Joe Biden to say the least. Biden was barely coherent and mumbled and stumbled through the debate with a hoarse voice. And when he wasn't talking? He most stared off to space with his jaw slack and his face blank. Biden was showing every single one of his 81 years on planet earth.

The impact can't be understated. The CNN panel looked crestfallen and Van Jones was crying afterwards. Somehow it seems the media was high on their own supply when it comes to Biden, they really believed that recent videos of Biden looking ancient and senile where nothing but "cheap fakes" and doctored to make Biden look bad. Well, they found out that they were not in pretty spectacular fashion. 

Biden's performance was so bad that many in the Democrats camp are calling for Biden to step down and be replaced by another candidate. That's a historically bad debate to say the least. A large number of people believe that Biden is now incapable of winning and isn't even capable of taking care of himself. 

But is replacing Biden even feasible at this point? It's pretty unrealistic. Unless Biden dies then it's going to be incredibly hard to replace him. Biden is already on the ballot in Wisconsin and Nevada, two critical swing states, and can't be removed at this point. And if Biden were to step down it would be a nightmare to get Biden's funding transferred to another candidate. It's still possible but it would be an absolute mess. 

Of course any plan to replace Joe Biden would require Biden's cooperation. And I can't see them getting it. Biden's biggest sin is pride and he really does think that he's the only one that can beat Donald Trump. His wife, Jill Biden, is also extremely ambitious and won't give up power willingly. I also don't think they have much in the way of leverage, Biden has control of the delegates from the primaries and there isn't really a process in the Democratic Party to remove a candidate at this point without his permission. 

The other problem is even if they got Biden to step down, who is going to step up to replace him? I don't think there would be any agreement initially about who would replace Biden and it means that the Democratic Convention would be an absolute mess. And if it happened after the convention? I don't even think that can happen. 

None of the candidates are likely to be approved. A lot of people are floating Gavin Newsom's name, but he seems unlikely to accept. He went all in on Biden after the debate and I can't see him wanting to waste his chance in 2024 when he's a shoe in for 2028.

Of course there wouldn't be any agreement on Newsom. He only appeals to the pragmatist faction of the Democrats, which does not have full control of the part. The progressives would never approve of him, they would want someone like Bernie Sanders, or at least someone that hates Israel as much as they do. And the feminist faction? They would never accept Kamala Harris getting replaced by a white male. Maybe they would accept someone like Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton or Gretchen Whitmer, but they all have the same problem that Harris has, they can't win an election. 

So let's assume for the sake of argument that the issue of ballot access is moot and Biden is willing to step down. The party rallies around a new candidate to replace him and doesn't destroy itself in the process. The Democrats are still screwed because it's so late in the game. They would have little time to build up hype for a new candidate and promote them. They would be fighting from behind and would almost certainly lose to Trump. 

Regardless, it seems like the entire argument is a moot point. Biden has shown little interest in stepping down and is doing his best to try and recover from his disastrous debate. I think he's going to remain the candidate and that means the Democrats are almost certain to lose in 2024, possibly in a landslide. 

The only other thing I could think of that might save Democrats is almost too horrible to mention. If Joe Biden were to die, either through natural or other causes, many of the problems would disappear. This is a very scary situation as if Biden were to be taken out this way it could lead to civil war. But it seems like the only realistic way to get rid of him at this point and replace him with someone who isn't senile. 

If I were to give advice to the Democrats it would be to just take the L. The Democrats won't win in 2024 with Joe Biden so it's just better to accept that fact and try to stem the bleeding. Focus on the house and senate and try to keep as many seats as possible. Give up on the White House because it isn't happening this year and hope that any one of Biden's massive foreign policy or economic failures blow up during the Trump administration's 2nd term. 

Indeed, this seems to be the cope that the Biden campaign shills are going with. They keep trying to downplay the bad debate even after the media has turned on Biden. They are all in and won't be giving up anytime soon. I guess it's possible the powers that be will try and replace Biden, but I seem it's pretty unlikely at this point. 

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