Wednesday, June 26, 2024

50 illegal immigrants with ties to ISIS are loose in the United States...


Illegal immigrants at the border. Fox News.

50 illegal immigrants with ties to ISIS are loose in the United States. Fox News. 400 illegals have entered the United States via an ISIS affiliated human smuggling outfit that operates in Asia. 150 of those individuals have been deported, facing deportation or are being screened. It is unclear how many of the immigrants being sought have actual ties to ISIS or if they simply used the ISIS group to get into the country. The news comes after 8 illegals from Tajikistan were arrested due to ties with ISIS. The DHS does not believe that this is a terror operation, just ISIS looking for an income source, but the immigrants are a concern due to coming from countries with high numbers of terrorists. ISIS has become a major concern after major terror attacks in Russia committed by the group. 

My Comment:

Another consequence of our open border. These folks could be terrorists and if we don't do anything to stop them it's only a matter of time before a terror attack happens. We found out about these guys, but how many other people slipped through the cracks? 

Keep in mind that ISIS has used open borders to infiltrate terrorists into countries to launch attacks before. The most notable incident was, of course, the Paris attacks that left 131 people dead, but that's far from the only incident. If ISIS was going to launch an attack in the United States, this is how they would do it. 

Is that was it happening here? It's possible but it's also very possible that ISIS is just building a human trafficking network to build funds. Human smuggling is a hugely profitable business and there is a major demand for it. By getting into the business they could be building funds for other purposes, which of course could include terror attacks. 

Of course a human smuggling network has duel uses. It would make sense that ISIS would use it both as a money making venture and as a way to stage terror attacks outside of the local area. Indeed, it might even pay for itself given how profitable human smuggling is. 

The real questions now is if this network has been disrupted and where the 50 people that the government hasn't kept track of are and what they are up to. It's possible that these folks are just run of the mill illegal immigrants, people that should obviously be removed but don't pose much of a threat. And they could also be run of the mill criminals and murderers but not terrorists. Regardless, it would be a lot better if they had never been allowed to enter the country in the first place. 

I am expecting a major terror attack in the United States sooner or later. Our border has been open for awhile now and our military and intelligence services are totally distracted by the Ukraine debacle. The terrorists are also on a role with three very successful terror attacks recently, including the two in Russia and the Hamas attack on October 7th. Success breeds success and America remains a major target for these folks. The main question is if it will be from terrorists infiltrating the border or if they will be "lone wolf" homegrown terrorists acting alone... 

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