Sunday, June 9, 2024

EU elections show a major swing to the right wing.


National Rally supporters in France celebrating their win. AP.

European Union elections show a major swing to the right wing. AP. Right wing parties won across the board with both the center and far right gaining a large number of seats. Christian Democrats, right wing centrists, will be in control of the EU parliament. So called far-right parties including Alternative for Germany and National Rally in France had major victories with AFD beating Germany's ruling Social Democrats and French President Emmanuel Macron dissolving France's national parliament and is calling for new elections. The far right gained their seats mostly from the far left Green party and Macron's center left Renew party. The election continues a trend towards right wing governments with Italy, Hungry and Slovakia being ruled outright by right wing parties while Sweden, Finland and the Netherlands having right wing parties in the ruling coalition. 

My Comment:

Not mentioned in the AP report is that the election results have resulted in the resignation of Alexander De Croo, the left wing Prime Minster of Belgium. And with France having new elections it's very possible that two governments will fall because of these elections. 

Of course it's important to note that the far-right does not have control of the EU parliament. Indeed, centrist parties, outside of France's Renew party did fine. It's going to be the center-right, not the far right, that will be in control of the EU parliament. 

That isn't the say that the far right doesn't have any power at all. They are a major voting block now and the center right will probably have to cater to them on some issues. They will probably be able to block some legislation and will have to be consulted on other legislations. 

The biggest loser though is the far left Green parties, the folks that Greta Thunberg supports. They largely got replaced by the right and they are not anywhere near the power they once were. They are not going to have much power at all in the future EU parliament. 

So why did this happen? I think there is a major right wing shift happening across the world, with the UK being the major exception due to the Tories being incredibly incompetent. It's clear to most people that the far left is mostly nonsense at this point and everyone is reacting against them.

But I think, much like the United States, immigration was the issue that decided this election. People are sick and tired of immigrants getting a better deal than the native born citizens. And it's almost impossible to argue that these immigrants from the third world are actually improving things. The huge spike in crime and poverty throughout the western world proves that to be true. 

Will the elections change anything long term though? It really depends. The center right might end up betraying the far right again, like they always do. But it does seem that at least a few governments will be shaken up and France's Macron will be a lame duck president for the rest of his term until 2027. I guess I would say that I am cautiously optimistic. Time will tell how it all turns out. 

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