Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Congressional baseball game disrupted by climate change and pro-Hamas protesters.


The congressional baseball game. Fox News.

The congressional baseball game was disrupted by climate change and pro-Hamas protesters. Fox News. The baseball game, which involved members of the Senate and House from both parties, is a bipartisan charity event. A group of eight climate change protesters stormed the field before being arrested and removed by capitol police. A group called "Climate Defense" took credit for the disruption. Separately, pro-Hamas protesters unveiled a banner in the stands that said "free Palestine". Both groups were booed loudly by the crowd. The protests were especially tasteless given the 2017 shooting targeting conservative politicians that left six people injured and the attacker dead.

My Comment:

Though certainly a minor story in the grand scheme of things, I am utterly disgusted by this protest. The biggest reason is that the congressional baseball game was the victim of a politically motivated terror attack committed by a deranged leftist. The last thing we need at this charity event is more deranged leftists trying to disrupt it. Had the incident occurred at another event, it would have been annoying, but doing at this event? Totally tasteless. 

It's also one of the few things left in this country that is bipartisan. Though I am no fan of Democrats it is good if they can at least have a friendly baseball game together without something horrible happening. That kind of bipartisanship is rare today and it's disgusting that people are trying to ruin it. 

I am somewhat less disgusted by the pro-Hamas protesters than the climate ones. At least they stayed in the stands and didn't actually disrupt the game. It was still a terrible thing to do, especially for a cause that has zero redeeming qualities, but compared to the idiots running onto the field and disrupting the game they are much worse. 

As for the climate protesters, I really can't understand them. Nothing they have done will make the climate any better. Indeed, if helping the climate is their goal, why are they acting like this? Do they really think that disrupting charity events, blocking highways and attacking artwork is the way to convince people to go along with them?

It seems pretty clear from the video that it's having the opposite effect. I'm not exactly sure who goes to the congressional baseball game, but it's clear that they weren't having these protesters. I am guessing that many of the people that were inclined to agree with one or both groups of protesters were disgusted by their behavior and joined the boos and USA chants. Who would have thought that being as annoying as humanly possible isn't an effective way to get people on your side? 

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