Tuesday, January 30, 2024

"Take our Border Back" protests to occur on border.


Take our Border Back protesters in Florida. New York Post/AP.

Take our Border Back protests will occur on the border on February 3rd. New York Post. Organizers expect as many as 700,000 people to show up in the small border town of Quemado, Texas, near the location of the standoff between Federal and Texas at Eagle Pass. They also say the event is not political and consists of people from across political classes and beliefs, but all agree that something has to be done about illegal immigration. A 2nd convoy is heading to Yuma Arizona from California. The rally will have speakers including victims of Fentanyl and homicides by illegal immigrants. The organizers say that they will not tolerate any actions done by infiltrators or racists. 

My Comment:

This appears to have been inspired by the Canadian protests against coronavirus restrictions. Those protests were extremely successful as Canada, and the rest of the world for that matter, rejected coronavirus restrictions afterwards. It's normal folks heading to these rallies in Texas and Arizona and that should make the powers that be nervous. 

However, it's also important to note that it doesn't appear that these folks are going to use the same tactics that were effective in Canada and are being tried in Europe right now with the anti-climate law farmer protests. It does not sound like these folks are going to actually do anything, like physically block the border or make the lives of the elites ordering this nonsense any harder. Canada's protests were effective because they made the elites lives miserable and actually hit their pocket book by blocking trade. A few people giving a speech isn't going to do much of anything. 

Of course, I think a lot of this is due to fear. Everyone knows what happened to the organizers and participants in the Canadian protests. Some went to jail, many lost their jobs and access to banks and they were generally made into 2nd class citizens. We all know that America under Biden isn't any less tyrannical than Canada under Trudeau, so doing something against the interests of the Biden administration is very dangerous. 

The shadow of January 6th protests hangs heavy over these protests as well. No wonder they are saying that they are going to kick out any infiltrators and that they will monitor anyone from three letter agencies. They are certainly afraid of both a false flag attack or people trying to infiltrate the rally to discredit it. 

But I doubt that much will happen. With these protests just being rallies I don't think much will be accomplished and I don't think that the government will care that much. If they were actually doing something more than an a rally I think there would be more of a response, but that isn't gong to happen. It will be a protest and it will probably make people feel better about things but not much else. 

On the other hand, people have to actually be willing to do something if things are going to change in this country. It's almost an article of faith now among the right wing, or even any group that's opposed to the Biden administration, that any protest is going to be infiltrated by the FBI. Though that is true, it does not mean that people should not protest against this government. They just have to be very careful to avoid any agent provocateur. 

As for the controversy itself, I do think that immigration is out of control in this country. It makes absolutely no sense to just let anyone and everyone who wants to come in to come in. Doing so has been an absolute disaster for both America and the economy. Illegal immigrants are a huge drain to America and are causing huge economic damage. It's a major reason why rent is so high and these folks are also taking billions of dollars in aid that could have gone to American citizens. 

Something has to be done. Biden is refusing to do anything about the border and though I doubt this protest will do much, it will at least send a message that ordinary people are sick and tired of what they are doing. But I doubt anything will change until Biden is out of office. 

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