Thursday, January 4, 2024

School shooting in Iowa, but the news isn't reporting all the facts...


Screencap from the shooter's TikTok. Daily Mail. 

A school shooting in Iowa ended with one sixth grade student dead and five other people wounded with the killer ending his life. The Daily Mail. The attacker was named Dylan Butler and was a student at Perry High School, but attacked Perry Middle School. He was armed with a .22 revolver, a shotgun and an improvised explosive that was disarmed by police. Before the attack occurred Butler posted a video on TikTok that showed him in a school bathroom with the caption "now we wait". The school principal, Dan Marburger, was among the injured and may have fought with Butler. 

My Comment:
It's a sign of the time that even conservative outlets like The Daily Mail are burying the lede with this case. Normally I don't like to cover mass shootings unless there is a really good reason and in this case there absolutely is. Indeed, if you don't have a Twitter account or visit uncensored sites like 4chan or Kiwifarms you would have no idea what I am talking about. 

Part of the problem is that the shooter's social media has been nuked. This is pretty standard these days and I think it has a lot more to do with covering up the shooters behavior than anything else. It means that if you weren't lucky enough to see the accounts before they are nuked or see an archived you would probably have no idea.

So what is the media hiding about Dylan Butler? The fact that he was LGBT. Indeed, his TikTok account and Reddit accounts are full of LGBT propaganda and it sounds like he was considering transitioning himself. That means we have another transgender shooter, or at least one that was in that wheelhouse. 

Was that his motive? It's possible. Some people are saying he was bullied, but if that was his motivation, why did he shoot up a Middle School instead of shooting his bullies? It's also possible that his motivation was the normal school shooter ones but I am not going to rule out the possibility that this was another transgender terror attack. 

To be fair, the other major prominent transgender mass shooting was more about race and politics than trangenderism. We saw Audrey Hale's manifesto and she said she wanted to kill little blonde white boys, but not so much in the name of LGBT rights. Is Butler the same way? It's unclear and we will probably never know. Without a manifesto or some kind of statement from someone who knew him we only have speculation. 

Regardless, I do think it is significant that we are seeing violence from LGBT people now. It's pretty obvious why, these people are filled up with drugs and told that they are victims of discrimination. Many of them are mentally ill, indeed, I don't think you can be trans without being mentally ill, and they aren't given the kind of help they need. Indeed, they are told that they are in the right and anyone that disagrees with them on any issue is a horrible bigot. That's a situation pretty much tailor made to encourage these kinds of attacks. 

I think this shooting will be memory holed pretty quickly, and not just because the shooter is trans. He also used the kind of guns that gun control advocates say they aren't in favor of banning. It certainly shows that you don't need an AR-15 to shoot up a school, he did quite a bit of damage with a revolver and a shotgun. It also did not have a lot of casualties and, as you know, it bleeds it leads. 

I do have to say that if the rumors that the principal fought off the attacker himself and got shot for his trouble then he deserves a lot of praise. It would have been a lot better if he had been armed and shot this idiot dead but that wasn't the case. At the very least fighting back probably made him kill himself. The most important thing to keep casualties low in a mass shooting is resistance and the principal really stepped up. 

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