Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Another day another $2.6 billion for Ukraine...


File photo of 155mm shells on the way to Ukraine. AP. 

The United States is providing another $2.6 billion in weapons and aid for Ukraine. AP. $500 million will be ammo and equipment will the rest will be used for anti-drone weapons, radar and technology. The anti-drone systems include nine 30mm gun trucks and 10 mobile laser guided rocket systems. Ukraine has suffered major casualties due to Iranian provided drones and has been unable to counter the weapons. 155mm artillery shells will also be provided due to how fast Ukraine has depleted their stocks of shells. 

My Comment:

It's absurd that we keep sending so much money and equipment to Ukraine for almost no effect. Russia is still winning the war and Ukraine is taking absurd number of casualties and they are losing the battle in Bakhmut. We are getting almost nothing out of this absurd spending at it comes at a time when we can ill afford it. 

What is surprising is how little resistance to this absurd spending there is. There has been some rumbling in congress about cutting of the gravy train but so far no action. I honestly don't know what they are waiting for, our economy is not in good shape and it is going to get worse as energy prices spike this summer. 

These weapons are unlikely to do much. 19 anti-drone weapons are not going to be able to deal with the massive swarms of Iranian drones. Given how absolutely massive the front lines are in Ukraine it's unclear how just a few weapons systems would be able to destroy all these drones. And that's assuming they even work. And it's not like these drones are anything other than expendable in the first place. 

Though the front lines are basically stagnant right now, largely because the country is in the middle of mud season. Most of the action is in Bakhmut and a few other cities where Russia has developed artillery cauldrons and Ukraine is taking grievous casualties. Russia is making quite a bit of progress in Bakhmut, they control roughly 70% of the city. I know a supposed counter attack is planned there, but they also say that about Crimea and I can't imagine they could make an attack on two fronts given how few troops they have left. 

I do think that the gravy train will be cut off soon. There just isn't the money in the United States any more and it's getting to the point where even the mainstream media can't really argue that Ukraine is winning the war right now. By completely ignoring how many casualties Ukraine is taking they can claim the war is at a stalemate, but even that argument is falling apart now. And with our economy heading to a major downturn I can't imagine support for Ukraine continuing indefinitely. 

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