Monday, September 26, 2022

Another day another $12 billion for Ukraine...


Battle damage in Mariupol. Reuters. 

Congress has agreed to include another $12 billion in aid for Ukraine in a stop-gap funding bill. Reuters. The request would include $4.5 billion for weapons, $2.7 billion for additional support and intelligence and $4.5 billion for Ukraine's general fund. The budget support would allow Ukraine to pay salaries and other critical expenses. The bill has to be passed by Friday to avoid a government shutdown. Despite that the money for Ukraine has bipartisan support. Ukraine has gotten billions of dollars of aid from the United States. 

My Comment:

The amount of money we are spending on Ukraine is utterly absurd. And we aren't actually paying for it with taxation, we are either printing or borrowing money to give to the Ukrainians. Given that we are in an economic recession with huge amounts of inflation, this is just stupid.  

Much of the problem is that neither party is opposed to sending money to Ukraine. You would think that the opposition party, the Republicans, would actually oppose this utter waste of money, but Republicans in congress just give the Democrats whatever they want. The supposed fiscal responsible and anti-war Republicans are nowhere to be found. 

And the Democrats? Remember during the Bush days when they were the anti-war party? Those days are long gone, but you would think that the progressives would have a problem with this. After all, that $12 billion could go for any one of their pet projects. The money might not even be wasted either, because at least all their do nothing programs provide jobs for people. 

So there is no debate in congress about spending this money. But what really gets me is that there is no debate about if this money is being spent effectively. Though Ukraine had some minor success in claiming a region that was weakly defended by Russia and at a high cost in lives and equipment, over all our intervention has been an utter failure. Russia has taken a huge amount of territory and is now mobilizing millions of soldiers to fight in Ukraine. I still say that Russia is winning and this money will do nothing but delay the inevitable. 

My goal has always been to end the war and if it wasn't for the billions of dollars we are burning in Ukraine we would probably have ended the war months ago. But nobody is even trying to end the war anymore. Nobody in the west is willing to negotiate and it's an utter shame. So many people are dying on both sides for a lost cause that has no chance of success. 

I don't have much else to add, since I have written similar post every time congress sends money to Ukraine. But I am just so disgusted with this utter waste of money, just because a bunch of warmongers in congress want to see more dead Russians. And they aren't even being effective at doing that! It just makes me so angry that we are wasting this money for a stupid and immoral war. 

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