Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Three San Francisco progressive school board members are recalled.


Recall celebrate their victory. CBS/San Francisco Chronicle.

Three San Francisco progressive school board members have been recalled in a recall election. CBS News. The three school board members, Gabriela Lopez, Faauuga Moliga and Alison Collins were the only three eligible for recall. The entire school board has angered even the famously liberal city of San Francisco with how far left they have gone. The school board has been focused on changing historical names, targeting sites that honored people like George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and even San Francisco native Senator Dianne Feinstein. The Asian community was also greatly angered by what they perceived to be anti-Asian statements from board member Alison Collins, who accused Asians of being White Supremacists. They were also angered by the proposed change in the elite Lowell school, which would eliminate competitive admissions. 

My Comment:

It's a really bad sign when you are too liberal for San Francisco of all places. These three board members were not focusing on making children educated. They were completely focused on virtue signaling. 

Some of the anger is because the city took forever to open up during the pandemic. Unlike most cities they did not open until last August. This made zero sense given how low the threat is to children and how badly kids did with distance learning. 

But most of the anger is due to how progressive they were being. For normal people, even normal leftists, changing the names of locations is not a priority. Indeed, most people like people like Washington and Lincoln and want them to be honored. Changing their names doesn't help anything and just angers anyone who likes those historic figures. 

And focusing on that now? It's insane. San Francisco is a city in crisis. Crime is out of control, there is a huge homeless program, housing is extremely expensive and there is some outright racism occurring. Much of this is outside of the scope of the School Board but regardless, imagine you just got attacked because you are Asian and the school board is more focused on changing place names. You would be angry too. 

Speaking of Asians, pissing them off was a bad move. Indeed, calling Asian-Americans White Supremacists seems like a huge own goal. Asians have a lot of power in San Francisco and antagonizing them is not smart. Doing it in an offensive and stupid way with the anti-Asian comments that Collins made was absolutely idiotic. 

Education seems like a major election issue in 2022. Indeed, widespread anger over school boards being far too progressive allowed Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin to win in a blue state. This recall in San Francisco shows that it's not just conservatives that are angry about way education is being handled in the United States. I am guessing that it will help the Republicans win the house and senate in 2022

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