Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Half of Americans want Joe Biden impeached...


Joe Biden.

A new poll suggests that half of Americans want Joe Biden to be impeached. National Pulse. The poll was conducted by Rasmussen and targeted likely voters. Fifty percent of respondents said they either strongly or somewhat supported the impeachment of Biden with the rest opposed or undecided. Surprisingly, non-white minorities also supported impeachment at around 50%. Majorities of likely voters also believed that Biden will be impeached if Republicans take the house in 2022. 

My Comment:

Obviously, both Rasmussen and the National Pulse lean right. Rasmussen has been fairly accurate with their polling though so I thought it was worth a post to discuss if this poll was right or not. Still, you shouldn't take this poll as gospel unless other polls end up backing it up. As far as I am aware most polling hasn't bothered to answer the question yet. 

I do think that most people do support the impeachment of Biden, or are at least undecided about it. It's hard to argue that Biden hasn't failed as a president. Indeed, many people don't think he is legitimate in anyway. Plus, as polarized as this country is, there are few people on the Republican side who want anything to do with Biden. 

With Biden being so unpopular it isn't surprising that people want to get rid of him. He has screwed up so many things that most of the country has turned on him. And I don't see him righting the ship anytime soon. Biden seems to be totally overwhelmed and his mental and physical health seems to be declining rapidly. 

Is there anything to actually impeach Biden over? I think so. I personally think that it's absolutely ridiculous that nobody has been punished for the failure in Afghanistan. Though I obviously supported leaving the country, I did not support how it happened. The chaos that happened could have been prevented, we killed civilians for no reason and we didn't prevent a major terror attack that killed several US service members. 

Immigration is another commonly cited cause for impeachment. Biden is completely ignoring our immigration laws and failing to enforcement. I think that qualifies for high crimes and misdemeanors. Biden absolutely should have been doing anything about the issue but he seems to be all but inviting illegal immigrants here. 

Will Biden be impeached? Almost certainly. I don't think that the Democrats have much of a chance of winning in 2022 even if they cheat more than they did in 2020. And if they do win big in 2022 I think they will impeach Biden. If for no other reason than for revenge for impeaching President Trump twice for absolutely no reason. 

It is important to note that even if the impeachment does come I doubt that Biden will be removed. To remove a president you will have to get 67 votes in the Senate and given the number of safe Democrat seats in the Senate that won't happen. The only way Biden gets removed from office is if a large number of Democrat Senators support it and I can't see that happening. Biden could be caught in bed with a dead woman or a live child and they still would support removing him. 

Still, I think impeachment is the right call. Biden has failed as a president and should be brought into account. Removing him isn't realistic even under the 25th amendment, but his legacy does deserve to be tarred by an impeachment. 

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