Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Protesters throw gravel at Canadian Prime Minster Justin Trudeau.


Canadian Prime Minster Justin Trudeau. The Hill. 

Protesters threw gravel at Canadian Prime Minster Justin Trudeau. The Hill. Trudeau was wrapping up a campaign event before being confronted by protesters. The protesters were upset by vaccine mandates and other Coronavirus restrictions. Trudeau downplayed the incident saying that "it was no big deal" though he was struck by the gravel. Trudeau called for snap elections to try and create a liberal majority government, but has faced widespread protests against his Coronavirus restrictions. 

My Comment:
I've got mixed feelings on this one. I have nothing but utter contempt for Justin Trudeau. He is a terrible Prime Minster and a thriving example of everything I despise about Canada. I consider him to be a textbook example of an out of touch elite that has no relationship to normal people. He's a joke and it's great to see him taken down a notch. 

But I do have to say that I dislike political violence. Though there was pretty much no chance of anyone getting hurt by a small amount of gravel, it still could have injured someone. And if someone was close enough to throw gravel at Trudeau, they could have done much worse. 

As for Trudeau, I think he should review his security procedures. As a world leader he certainly could be targeted with violence. This incident shows how vulnerable Trudeau is. This is not something that should happen. Sure, politicians get heckled all the time, even Joe Biden was today as well, but people shouldn't be able to throw rocks at a Prime Minster. 

I do think that the protesters were justified in protesting Trudeau, even though they probably should not have pelted the guy. I think he and Canada have gone far to far in terms of Coronavirus restrictions. It's been clear for awhile now that the virus is no longer a major threat so the question has to be raised, why push for all this nonsense now?

Things like mandating vaccines, vaccine passports and closing businesses down, none of these are justified by the current state of the pandemic. People are right to be upset by it. Canada's economy is falling apart and it's crazy that people aren't allowed to have normal lives like we have here in the United States (at least outside of deep blue states). 

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