Friday, September 24, 2021

Biden threatens border patrol agents for doing their jobs...


A border patrol agent confronts a Haitian illegal immigrant. AFP. 

Biden has threatened border patrol agents, falsely claiming the men were whipping Haitian illegal immigrants. Fox News. Biden was quoted as saying "those people will pay" despite the fact that the images do not show anyone being whipped. Biden, along with the media, appear to be unaware that the ropes pictured in the images and video are of horse reigns, not whips. Critics blasted the comments due to their misleading nature and the idea that the men involved in the incident were being pre-judged before any investigation has even started. Even the photographer that took the picture said that nobody was being whipped. 

My Comment:

Absolutely disgusting behavior from the Biden White House, but what did you expect with them? They know this story is false but they are pushing it anyways, probably to distract from the fact that this entire situation is their own fault. Indeed, Kamala Harris blasted the crisis at the border, calling for an investigation, without somehow realizing that she was the one in charge of it. 

It's clear that the border patrol is being thrown under the bus. The Democrats hate the agency and want them disbanded and what better way to do that than to discredit them and call them racist? The poor people in these photos that were only doing their jobs could lose them and are being slandered by the President of the United States (as illegitimate as he is) himself. And that's assuming that they don't get criminal charges. 

How could anyone work under these conditions? I wouldn't be surprised if many of these officers quit. It's obvious that the government does not have their back and that they will throw them under the bus at the quickest opportunity. 

I would say that even if the illegal immigrants were being whipped I wouldn't have a problem with it. Indeed, I'd be fine if they just did that to everyone who tried to cross into our country illegally. These people have zero right to be here and should have zero chance to become a citizen. How dare they try to take jobs from American citizens and jump the line ahead of people who did it the legal way? 

And it's very important to note that these Haitians are not refugees from Haiti. Most of them were in safe countries like Brazil and Chile and have no cause to come here under asylum or refugee status. They were perfectly safe in those countries and would have been mostly safe in Haiti as well. But the Biden administration is only deporting some of them instead of all of them. It's disgusting. 

Finally, I have to point out that this entire situation is the fault of Joe Biden. President Trump had the border mostly under control. The wall was mostly built and everyone in the world had heard the message loud and clear. Don't come here illegally because if you do you will be deported. But Biden opened the floodgates and caused a third major crisis for his administration for absolutely no reason other than the please the far left psychopaths who want open borders. 

Hilariously enough those far left psychopaths are furious with Biden as well. Though Biden isn't deporting anywhere near enough of these illegals they are furious because he is deporting any at all. Plus racial hucksters like Al Sharpton are taking advantage of the situation to call Biden and his policies racist. It's an incredibly own-goal and nobody is happy with Biden right now. 

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