Friday, September 17, 2021

10,000 migrants held under a bridge in Texas.


Haitian migrants in Mexico. ABC News/Reuters. 

10,000 migrants, mostly from Haiti, are being held under a bridge in Texas in deplorable conditions. ABC News. The illegal immigrants have flooded the area with the number of people there increased from 8,000 to 10,000. The governor of Texas and other Republican officials blame the Biden administration for the crisis due to their failure to deport these illegal immigrants. The FAA at one point had banned drone flights over the camp but Senator Ted Cruz took his own video and pictures to help spread the news of this crisis. 

The Daily Mail has an excellent article with photos that show the scope of the crisis. 


My Comment:

What an absolute failure by the Biden administration. None of these people should be in the United States and they should be sent back immediately. These aren't Mexican or Central American immigrants they are Haitians. They have no right to be here and should be gone. 

But even I have to say that the way these folks are being treated is terrible. Instead of deporting them they are being held in the hot desert under a bridge. They are stuck with their garbage and filth and I am serious concerned about their health. It's September in Texas and the temperatures are in the 80's and 90's. Do these people have enough food and water? 

And these folks are an obvious threat to the United States. Coronavirus can easily spread under these conditions and that's just one virus. Things like measles, chickenpox and perhaps even cholera could spread as well. None of these people are being tested for the Coronavirus, let alone vaccinated. A regular person could be out of work and banned from polite society for not being vaccinated, but these illegals? No chance.

This entire situation was entirely preventable. All Biden has to do is deport these people back to Haiti. If they want to come to America make them go through the correct process. I know Haiti is a terrible place but it has to be better than the desert. We could end this crisis today if Biden would just deport these people like the law requires. 

But he won't. Because he knows that these Haitian immigrants will help further dilute the vote of Republicans. Some will become citizens and will vote for Democrats. Some won't and will do the same thing. But either way, he has little motivation to deport these folks, plus if he did his progressive left would attack him for it. 

It's clear though that the Biden Administration understands how damaging this story is. The banning of drone flights over this highway is pretty obviously an attempt to keep the truth from coming out. It failed due to helicopter flights and Senator Cruz actually getting out his own cell phone to record this. Their efforts to keep the lid on this story have failed. 

And of course, outside of conservative media, there is an obvious double standard here compared to how the media covered President Trump. I was honestly surprised that ABC News had a story up. But if this had happened under President Trump? It would be the #1 story worldwide and would make the "kids in cages" faux controversy look like a joke. Indeed, Trump would probably be impeached over it. And he would be called a racist. 

So I am going to break that trend. Biden is being racist here. Holding these people this way instead of deporting them safely is dangerous to them, dangerous to US citizens and just dangerous in general. There is no reason for doing this other than to be evil. Biden should resign. 

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