Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Canada declares China's treatment of the Uighur minority a genocide.


Guards outside of a reeducation center. BBC/Reuters.

Canada has declared China's treatment of the Uighur minority a genocide. BBC. The motion passed 266-0 with Prime Minster Justin Trudeau and many members of his cabinet abstaining. Canada has become the 2nd country to call the treatment of Uighurs as genocide after the United States (which occurred under President Trump). China condemned and rejected the motion. Prime Minster Trudeau did not vote for the measure and said that the word "genocide" was a loaded term. China calls the camps they hold the Uighur's reeducation camps but critics call them concentration camps. Critics also claim that the Uighurs have to face atrocities such as forced labor, rape and torture. 

My Comment:

Kind of surprised that Canada actually showed a spine here. Though a few members did not vote, the vast majority did and those that did unanimously supported the resolution. I honestly didn't think Canada had it in them to actually stand up to China.

Of course Justin Trudeau didn't stand up for his country. That doesn't surprise me, the man only makes evil choices. It has nothing to do with what China is doing, it's all about Trudeau not wanting to anger China because they probably own him. 

This is obviously a symbolic gesture. All it will do is anger China but it won't actually change anything in China. Indeed, there is pretty much nothing anyone outside of China can do to prevent them from doing what they want with the Uighurs. But it does show that the Chinese don't have the power to control how other countries react to them. 

More could be done both by Canada and other countries. I think sanctions could do something. Hitting China in the pocketbook might actually do something to alter their behavior. But I doubt that will happen. Everyone else's economy is so tied up with China that they can't really disengage without destroying their own economy. Plus China has corrupted a lot of western politicians, including Joe Biden. 

With all that being said, does what the Chinese are doing count as genocide? I think so. The Uighurs are being forced to abandon their religion, put into camps, and aren't being allowed to practice their culture. Even worse abuses are being reported by activists but I don't know how true they are. But even if the reports of rape and torture are false I still think forced conversions and targeting people because of their ethnic group is pretty obviously geocide. China doesn't want the Uighurs to exist and just because they aren't enacting a final solution to them does not mean that this isn't a genocide. 

But does anyone care about the Uighurs? The one thing most articles don't point out is that the Uighurs are Muslims and have committed several terror attacks. That doesn't justify genocide but it does make them a lot less sympathetic. 

On the other hand, the Uighur's Muslim faith is about the only thing that got them any attention in the first place. China also discriminates against other religious groups, most notably Christians and Falun Gong but you rarely hear about what they are doing to them. Indeed, to the woke left Christians are public enemy #1 and Falun Gong is nothing but a cult. 

Regardless, it is good to see people finally starting to stand up to China. They have had a terrible government even before the Communists took over. They are terrible on human rights, are utterly destroying their environment and are a corrupting and damaging influence on the rest of the world. And the sad thing is that I think they are winning. Even this effort to condemn their actions won't do a damn thing to stop them... 

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