Sunday, February 21, 2021

Polling suggests that if President Trump formed a third party much of the GOP base would follow him.


President Trump and Senator Mitch McConnell. USA Today.

A new poll suggests that if President Trump formed a third party much of the GOP base would follow him, showing his popularity among Republican voters. USA Today. GOP voters were asked if they would leave the party if President Trump formed a third party and by a 46-27% margin said they would with the rest being undecided. They also express more loyalty to President Trump then to the party at a 54-34% margin. 80% also said that they would not support representatives who voted to impeach President Trump and believed that the Senators that voted to convict did so for political reasons, not because they actually thought President Trump did anything wrong. 59% of GOP voters said they wanted President Trump to run again while 75% would support him if he did run. On Joe Bide, 73% of GOP voters do not believe he was elected legitimately. 

My Comment:

I don't know if I trust the numbers coming from the USA Today as they seem extremely low to me. I would have assumed that the number of GOP voters that would follow President Trump out of the party to be around 95% or higher. Then again, it is a national media poll and I didn't see their sampling or methodology. 

Regardless, even if the poll numbers are a bit off it does show that President Trump maintains the loyalty of much of the GOP base. Which makes sense. Unlike a lot of politicians President Trump largely kept his promises. He kept us out of new wars, destroyed ISIS and made a major impact on immigration. His brand of populism is extremely popular as well and if the Republican Party was fully on board with it, it probably would have done better in 2020. 

I think part of his popularity too is the fact that he isn't on social media anymore. Without his occasional dumb statements on Twitter the media has run out of things to talk about with him. Yes they are still focusing on January 6th, but I don't think anyone outside of the beltway even cares about it, or if they do, are only sad that it failed. Ironically, muzzling Trump might have made him an even bigger threat to the establishment. 

I do think this poll shows that the fools in congress that opposed President Trump and supported impeachment made a huge mistake. I always thought that was political suicide to attack a President that was extremely popular among his party. Not only did it show that they didn't care about what their base wanted, it showed that their loyalty was to D.C., not the party. 

The big question now is what President Trump decides to do. I honestly don't think he will form a third party. Why would he? All he has to do is run for President again and he will win the nomination. And even if he doesn't want to run he can ensure that his political opponents fail. I am guessing he will endorse primary challengers to the GOP senators and representatives that voted against him and I am guessing they will lose. Why start a new party if you can be the kingmaker of the Republicans? 

But does President Trump even want to run in 2024? I have no idea. Part of me says he will want to run just for the sake of revenge against the people that betrayed him. On the other hand he will be fairly old at that point and even then he would probably want to retire at some point. And why would anyone ever want to put himself through what the media did to him? 

As for Joe Biden it's clear that the media propaganda for him isn't working. Nobody on the right thinks the election was legitimate and even the few that do think he is a terrible president. The problem for the media is that they have blown away all of their credibility and nobody on the right is listening anymore. 

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