Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has proposed fining big tech companies for censoring political candidates.


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. State of Florida.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has proposed fining big tech companies for censoring political candidates. The New York Post. DeSantis cited the censorship of President Trump, the removal of Twitter alternative Parler and the killing of the Hunter Biden story. DeSantis proposed a fine of $100,000 a day for tech companies that ban a political candidate or use algorithms to favor one candidate over another. He would also force tech companies to allow people to opt out of big tech algorithms which are seen to be biased against conservatives. 

My Comment:

I have been saying that one of the biggest mistakes the GOP made during the early days of the Trump Presidency is not moving against big tech. They were in the position that the Democrats are in now where they had control of the Presidency and both houses of Congress but they did nothing. Their main goal was the tax cuts which didn't help them in the long run when compared to the obvious and massive damage tech bias has caused. 

And it wasn't just President Trump who was hurt with this. Laura Loomer, who is admittedly a kook, was banned from all of social media outside of Gab despite the fact that she was running for Congress in Florida. She was a long shot candidate in the first place but regardless, she may have won if the tech companies had allowed her the same rights as the Democrat she was running against. 

This effort is long overdue. It's very clear that the tech companies are in the bag of the Democrats. They are doing everything in their power to ban anyone to the right of AOC from the halls of power forever. And they are waging war on the very idea of truth itself. If you post anything that goes against their agenda you can get banned, not just from the social media sites, but from banking, employment and perhaps even arrested. You can't even suggest now that the election was suspicious as hell and that the media and government blew the capital counter-coup completely out of proportion without risking getting banned. Hell, I am at risk of having my blog banned just for pointing that out. 

What DeSantis plans to do would curtail a lot of that. If people like President Trump and Laura Loomer were able to reach the voters both of them would be in power right now. If people could actually use search engines without having to deal with the biased algorithms they could form opinions based on facts, not propaganda. If people could opt out of all the terrible things big tech does the world would be a better place. 

The problem is that the tech companies could fight back. They have already shown that they have more power than the government and they could do what they are threatening to do to Australia. There the Australian government is threatening to make Google and Facebook pay for news which means they are threatening to leave the country. Could they do the same thing to Florida? If they do I honestly think that it would be the best thing to happen to Florida. 

As for Ron DeSantis I have to say that I am impressed with him. He has been a good governor for Florida and has handled his state's Coronavirus crisis very well. If he wants to run for President in 2024 and President Trump doesn't I could very easily see myself voting for him. He's the direction that the GOP has to turn to. He seems to realize that if the GOP doesn't fight back they are doomed. 

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