Saturday, June 1, 2019

Kamala Harris' 2020 presidential bid may be in trouble...

Kamala Harris' official Senate portrait. 

California Senator Kamala Harris is fading into the background as her 2020 presidential run appears to be faltering. Fox News. Harris was a former front runner that boasted a huge opening day fundraiser where she gained $1.5 million and topped the polls at 14% support from Democrats. Half of Harris' support has fallen off with Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders gaining over Harris and even Elizabeth Warren and Peter Buttigieg passing her 7% rating. Critics say that Harris has not made a good pitch as to why she should be president with most of her campaign just being a platform to bash President Trump, hardly unique among Democrats. Harris has supported extreme progressive causes recently, including efforts to fine companies that have a "wage gap" and draconian gun laws but they have not so far stuck. 

My Comment:
I was just thinking to myself that I hadn't heard anything about Kamala Harris in quite some time. That's just fine with me because I am not a fan. Though I don't think there is a reasonable voice in the 2020 clown car like there was in 2016 with Jim Webb, Kamala Harris has never been it. 

Why? Just look at her most recent policy statements. She wants to fine companies for wage discrimination without apparently realizing that wage discrimination is already a crime and that when corrected for life choices men and women make about the same amount of money. And her views on gun control would make her an absolute extremist if it wasn't for the fact that there are people currently running for President that are even worse than her. She also doesn't realize that banning imports of semi-auto's is pointless as the vast majority are made in the United States anyways due to current legislation. To be frank, I find her platform to be both stupid and evil and if it wasn't for the presence of people in the 2020 race who are even worse than her she would be the most dangerous 2020 candidate.

What should be worrying Harris the most isn't that Biden and Sanders are beating her but the fact that Elizabeth Warren and Peter Buttigeig are. Both candidates have their own issues. Warren's essentially admitted to being racist and claiming benefits for being a Native American while in fact being a very white very not Native American woman. She's had one of the roughest starts of a Presidential campaign I have ever seen and she's still polling better than Harris. And Buttigieg has surprised everyone with his run, sucking the air out of other potential contenders like Harris and Robert Francis O'Rourke. Any serious candidate shouldn't be losing out to these two. 

I also think that Harris' fade in the poll is bad news for the "woke" identity politics faction of the Democratic Party. Harris is pretty openly racist and speaks for the faction of the party that agrees with her on race. With her fading in the polls and no other obvious "woke" candidate, I almost wonder if the identity politics people are giving up. I am guessing most of Harris' voters went to Joe Biden, an old, heterosexual, handsy white man, and if that is the case then it means that those voters care more about beating President Trump than their beliefs. 

All that being said, Harris is still hanging in their at around 4th or 5th place, depending on the poll. That's strong enough polling to hang on until after actual elections are held. Is there a way for Harris to make a comeback? I think so. A lot could happen between now and November 2020. 

The most obvious thing is that one or both of the front runners could end up losing out. Given the advanced age of both Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden, there's a non-insignificant chance of one or both of them dropping dead. And Biden is just ripe for scandals as his inability to keep his hands to himself will burn him up sooner or later. Sanders is a bit more scandal proof but he has already proven that he won't fight if the DNC decides to screw him over. If those things happen then Harris could become relevant again. If not though, I think she's just going to be an also ran. 

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