Thursday, May 30, 2019

President Trump announces tariffs on Mexico in response to immigration crisis.

President Donald Trump has announced new tariffs on Mexico in response to the immigration crisis. BBC. Trump said on twitter that the tariffs would begin at 5% on June 6th and would increase, up to 25%, through October. President Trump has attempted to build a border wall to help deal with the crisis but has been stymied by activist judges and congress. He said that the tariffs would continue until Mexico does something to slow the flow of illegal aliens to America. Mexico is a major trade partner and would be hurt severely by any tariffs.

My Comment:
These tariffs will likely cause Mexico to finally do something about the wave of illegals from Central America that have been flooding across their borders. After some initial moves to slow down the human wave, Mexico eventually abandoned them and opened the floodgates. America has been paying the price since.

With the border wall being stymied by activist judges and Congress, Trump has to do something to slow the flow of migrants. The wall would be much easier but the Democrats have prevented most building. They greatly benefit from illegal immigration as they will eventually either gain citizenship or have anchor babies and they will largely vote for Democrats.

With no other options, tariffs are about all Trump can do easily. Mexico could and will stop illegal immigration that comes from Central America. I don't think they can stop their own people from leaving but they have their own border wall and can deport people in their country illegally.

Trump has other options as well if he really wants to play hardball. The biggest thing he could do is impose a tax on remittances. Millions of dollars are set back to Mexico by illegal aliens and if Trump put a 100% tax on them it would destroy Mexico's economy over night. That option would be a last resort but if nothing else works it is in Trump's power.

I am guessing that Mexico will have to respond to this. They don't have much of a choice as their economy is so dependent on Americas. I am guessing that they will do something about illegal immigration sooner rather than later.

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