Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Mexico has deployed 15,000 troops to the US border to stop illegal aliens.

Mexican National Guard units detain Cubans who were trying to cross the border. 

Mexico has deployed 15,000 troops to the US border in an effort to stop illegal aliens from crossing into the border. Reuters. In the past Mexico has not attempted to stop illegal aliens from crossing over to the United States. Mexico was under pressure from US President Donald Trump who threatened tariffs and withdrawing from trade deals if something wasn't done. 6,500 troops were also deployed to the border with Guatemala. Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Almo) promised to reduce the number of Central Americans within 45 days on June 7th. If the plan does not work Mexico may pass additional laws. 

My Comment:
First of all, apologies for the obvious and odious bias in the Reuters report. Unfortunatly there isn't a reliable news outlet that calls these people what they are. Illegal aliens, illegal immigrants or just plain criminals. Calling them "undocumented migrants" is true double-speak and shows where the media's sympathies lie. 

Of course media bias in favor of illegal is well documented and severe. Most of what we are hearing about the illegal immigration crisis is obvious propaganda, trying to drum up sympathy for these people, who deserve little to none. There is absolutely no reason to continue on to America if they are already safe in Mexico and there is also no reason for them to cross the border illegally when asylum an be determined in Mexico. 

It does seem like President Obrador is serious about helping the United States fix the crisis at the border. The 15,000 troops at the northern border and the 6,500 troops at the southern one will help reduce the number of illegals coming and going into Mexico. It's also clear from the Reuters report that these troops are actually doing their job by detaining these people. 

President Trump's campaign to pressure Mexico seems to have paid dividends. Everyone in the media was complaining that tariffs were unfair and wouldn't work but very few of them have admitted that the pressure worked and that President Obrador caved. 

I don't think this deployment will totally stop the border crossings. There are too many undefended areas and too much money to be made for coyotes. Even with troops on both sides of the border, the only way to completely stop illegals would be for both countries to deploy their entire military. Even a border as militarized as the DMZ between North and South Korea still has border crossings. 

That being said, having both sides of the border protected will likely help things a great deal. Reducing the number of people coming into America will help things a great deal. It should stop large caravans in their tracks and may force people to come in one at a time instead of in large groups. It won't stop everyone, nothing could do that, but it will help. 

Of course, the border crisis is only part of the problem. With so many people having crossed over already there are still millions of illegal aliens in the country. And border apprehensions will only stop the problem from getting worse and won't do anything to stop the people that already here. What is needed now is deportations and a lot of them. Given the unlikelihood of a deal between President Trump and Democrats, those deportations should begin in a couple of weeks. 

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