Monday, October 22, 2018

Illegal immigrant caravan swells to 10,000 people as President Trump threatens to cut off aid.

Central Americans on their way to the US. Note the lack of women and children. Reuters. 

An illegal immigrant caravan made up of Central Americans has swelled to 10,000 people as President Trump threatens to cut off the aid to three Central American countries that the caravan originated from. Reuters. Trump said that the governments of Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras have not done enough to prevent migrants from leaving their country and is putting pressure on Mexico to stop the caravan before it reaches the US border. The convoy is still 1,100 miles from the US border and travel may be slowed by a series of hurricanes and tropical storms. 

My Comment:
First of all, there is obvious and over the top bias in the Reuters report, which is sad since Reuters is one of the news outlets with less bias overall. First of all, they said Trump's statement that many of the migrants are criminals is "without evidence" but the fact that they entered a country illegally means by definition they are criminals. They also claim that these are not economic migrants but refugees when the evidence doesn't support that conclusion. Such bias is to be expected but it is getting truly tiring to have to see it in every report that isn't explicitly right wing. 

What's my take? This is less of a migration wave and more of an invasion. If they were truly fleeing from violence they could stop in some of the safer places in Mexico or, better yet, flee to the south where warfare is less common. The fact that they are bound and determined to go to the United States is proof that they have a different motive. 

It's also clear that this is a manufactured crisis. People are supporting this caravan and giving them money and supplies. I am guessing they are also being provided with transport as there is no way that they are simply going to walk all the way to the US border. I am guessing that globalist organizations are promoting these people in order to cause drama that they think will help them in the 2018 midterms. Plus they support the concept of open borders in general and they hope they can get people to sympathize with these criminals by portraying them as victims of nationalism. 

If so, they are pretty damn stupid. It seems that people are bound and determined to get Republicans out to the polls. If the Kavanaugh debacle wasn't enough this caravan will be. American citizens already think that illegal immigration is a huge problem and don't want these people here to compete with our jobs. The GOP attack adds right themselves, if the GOP is smart enough to use this crisis to their advantage. President Trump obviously is, but the rest of the GOP needs to capitalize on this as well. This is such an unforced error that you have to wonder if the Democratic Party is being set up to fail. 

It's also clear that these people are the worst of the worst. Not only are they flagrantly violating international laws, it's clear that they are doing it for political reasons. I think a lot of people understand that if these people were to make it to the United States they would be disruptive highly political types and would likely try to vote in our elections. They have no right to be let in over people that have followed all the rules to get there or even the ones that have entered the country illegally but have kept a low profile. 

For it's part, Mexico seems to be overwhelmed by the caravan. They have made some token efforts to stop it, but they face the same problem the United States will face when they reach the US border. Any action to detain and deport these people will be reported in the press as human rights abuse. Even if people don't trust the press all that much, some still listen and it could be a dangerous thing for a government in transition like Mexico is. I think that they will take some action and the convoy will be broken up, but it's going to take some time.

I do think the easy thing to do for both America and Mexico is to go after whoever is funding these people and prosecute them. If they are a charity pull their tax exempt status and if they are private individuals, charge them with a crime. Once the funding dries up so will the caravan. 

Of course the last time this happened the caravan broke up on it's own long before they reached the border. Mexico put quite a bit of pressure on them and they never even attempted to cross the border. I see something like this happening again as I doubt these people will ever come close to entering the United States. 

Weather too seems to be a disruptive factor as well. Hurricane Willa, a category 4 storm, is bearing down on Mexico as I write this and looks like it could cause huge problems for Mexico. It's unclear what path the storm will take and if it will enter the area the caravan is currently, but not only will it disrupt the travel plans of the caravan it will likely turn the Mexican public against them. Nobody there is going to care about a bunch of illegal immigrants when their own people are struggling with a natural disaster. That makes me think that this migrant caravan has even less of a chance of ever reaching the US border. 

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