Monday, October 15, 2018

Editor's note

I've decided to remove War is Boring from my sidebar. Though I don't know if many people ever check out those links, I decided to take that one of the list. Why? For a long time War is Boring was a good blog that offered interesting and politically neutral content. I even used it as a source several times.

However, I have noticed lately that the blog has taken a hard left turn and has begun to cover things that have nothing to do with warfare at all. Today was the last straw as they had an article up bashing the Kavanaugh confirmation. How that is related to warfare is beyond me.

That isn't to say that I have banned all leftists from my sidebar. Slate Star Codex remains and will continue to be there as long as the blog is active as Scott Alexander has many intelligent things to say about a large variety of topics. I don't always agree with him but I always feel like I learn something when I read his posts.

That's not the case with War is Boring anymore.  I felt that the content on War is Boring was so bad now that I couldn't link to it. After all, it's not like there is a unique perspective there anymore, it's just parroting the mainstream media. Plus the site has moved from a free model to a paywall so there really isn't any reason to continue linking to it.

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