Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Hillary Clinton says Democrats can't be "civil" anymore.

Hillary Clinton speaks at Oxford University. EPA/USA Today.

In an interview with CNN, Hillary Clinton said that Democrats can't be civil with Republicans anymore until they win elections. USA Today. Clinton said that Democrats have to be tougher against Republicans. Clinton told CNN's Christiane Amanpour "You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about," adding "That's why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and or the Senate, that's when civility can start again." Hillary Clinton also bashed President Donald Trump and Republicans in general. 

My Comment:
Sometimes I wish that Hillary Clinton would just go away. She's obviously done as a politician and has basically no chance of ever holding political office again. She does have a new career as a public speaker, but she was doing that before the election as well. I don't think she has anything important to say about anything and it is especially hypocritical to criticize the treatment of women by the GOP when her husband is a serial sexual criminal. 

Her remarks here are of course troubling to say the least. Given the fact that Democrats and leftist have already murdered or attempted to murder people based on their political beliefs, this is the exact opposite of being helpful. We have already seen attempts like the Alexandria shooting, the various attacks against police and the handful of assassination attacks against people like President Donald Trump and Senators Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. And we have seen hundreds of attacks, threats and harassment of pro-Trump regular people.

In my eye, Hillary Clinton knows this and doesn't care. She doesn't want to avoid violence or disorder but instead is encouraging it as she knows it will help her bottom line and perhaps even keep her out of prison. I think some of it is just whining as well. She lost the 2016 election and now there is a 5-4 majority on the Supreme Court. She probably knows that the "Blue Wave" was never really going to happen and that the GOP will keep the house and take a few seats in the Senate. Political violence is about the only weapon that the Democrats have left. 

Of course, a more charitable interpretation of Clinton's remarks is that she wants Democrats to just be tougher on Republicans without resorting to violence. How such a thing would be possible is beyond me. They are already harassing GOP elected and appointed officials every time they do pretty much anything and constantly belittle, insult and attack anyone who disagrees with them. For me, I don't see how she could possibly mean anything other than violence. 

On the other hand, I do have to say that Hillary Clinton is probably one of the GOP's best weapons. Normal people seem to hate her and even many Democrats wish she would just go away. Her remarks today is the kind of thing that will fire up the GOP base, alienate centrists and do very little to actually get Democrats to the polls. 

Indeed, it is amazing to me that the Democrats still haven't figured things out. They should have known that blocking Brett Kavanaugh's nomination with unproven at best sexual assault allegations would backfire on them. Instead they could have helped themselves quite a bit if they had just change tone and started talking about what they could do for regular people. If they had gone with something like Bernie Sanders' populist platform for 2018 they might have had a chance. Bernie "Free Stuff" Sanders message of free stuff may be something I disagree with but it's a lot better message than "all white people are racists, sexists and now rapists so vote for a party that hates you" message that Clinton and the rest of the Democrats are pushing now. 

I also have to say that I doubt that the Democrats would be civil if they were to gain power. Listening to leftist pundits and the blue checkmark brigade on twitter and it's clear that they are after revenge. They hate President Trump to be sure and will likely try to remove him from office if they were to win back the house and senate, but I doubt it will end with him. I would expect the worst behavior from the left that we are seeing right now, the violence, the censorship and the civil disorder, to increase with the tacit approval of Washington. And it will be regular people caught up in the chaos instead of just the political class. 

Thankfully, I don't see that happening anytime soon. The Kavanaugh issue has united and enthused the GOP base and I see them as very motivated to vote. They might not be voting for whoever managed to run for congress or the senate, but they will be voting against Democrats. And the undecided voters are going to be taking a hard look at the behavior of people like Hillary Clinton and the relative success of President Trump's economic and foreign policy and probably make a choice against the Democrats. I think there is a chance that the GOP loses the house but that chance is growing smaller everyday. Assuming there isn't some kind of massive October surprise in the Democrats favor or widespread civil disorder or voter fraud, I see the Blue Wave being a Blue Trickle and the GOP holding on to the seats of power. Perhaps then the Democrats will finally take a look at themselves and discover that what they are doing isn't working and actually go back to their former values of tolerance, peace and justice.

EDIT: Steve Scalise said it better than I could... 

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