Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Liberia imposes quarantine on slum where Ebola clinic was attacked. -Yahoo/AP.

Children surround a man that collapsed in Liberia. Yahoo/AP

Liberia has deployed troops to quarantine the entire West Point slum, where an Ebola clinic was raided over the weekend. Yahoo/AP. The looters stole blood soaked sheets and other items possibly infested with the disease and forcing the patients there to flee. This obviously creates a huge risk of a greater outbreak. The troops, riot police, and coast guard forces will attempt to keep people from moving into and out of the slum and suppress any unrest that results from the order. The people in the West Point slum are highly suspicious of their government and justifiably upset at the failure to control Ebola. 

My Comment:
I talked about this incident on Sunday and I am not too surprised at Liberia's actions now. Given the fact that people literally took items covered in blood and other bodily fluids, the outbreak will soon spiral out of control in West Point. This is the only chance they have at containing the disease. The looters sealed their fate when they did what they did. It does look like Liberia is writing off this whole area, but given that it was a slum in the first place they probably did that years ago. 

As for the greater Ebola outbreak the article seemed optimistic for Nigeria and Guinea. I think it's still to early to tell. Remember Ebola can have a long incubation period, so I believe we can't say the tide is turning until twice as long as that incubation period with no new infections. Sierra Leone is in dire straits and it looks like the outbreak in Liberia is going to be apocalyptic, if not for the whole country, then certainly for the West Point slum.  

As for the rest of the world, the media is blowing things out of proportion. Every time someone sneezes after coming back from Africa and gets tested for the disease the media makes it out like that it has been confirmed that Ebola has arrived. It may very well happen but it hasn't happened yet. Only Nigeria, Guinea, Liberia and Nigeria have confirmed active transmission cases as of this writing. I go into more detail about this issue here

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