Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Biden administration orders the US to prepare for nuclear conflict with China...


Joe Biden. New York Post/Reuters

Joe Biden has secretly ordered the United States to prepare for a nuclear threat from China. New York Post. Biden made the shift in March because they believed that China's nuclear arsenal would soon rival the United States and Russia. They also fear that China, Russia and North Korea could combine forces for a nuclear threat. Russia should have 1000 nuclear weapons by 2030 and 1500 by 2035. Those numbers are far below the 5200 weapons America has and the 5800 Russia has. In the past Russia and China balanced each other out, but the two countries are now de facto allies, which is another reason why the policy has been changed. The document outlying this policy is updated about every four years and is beyond top secret to the point where no electronic versions exist and only a few top officials have access to hard  copies. 

My Comment:

It sounds like this document is updated every four  years and it's unclear if the document was scheduled to be updated or if it did because of a rapidly changing threat environment. It's possible it is both. It is clear that the threat of nuclear war is higher than it has ever been before. 

This is also an entirely predictable result of the Biden administration's foreign policy. It's been American policy since the 1950's to pit Russia and China against each other. They are obviously a bigger threat to each other than we are and the only way that would change is if we became such a dangerous enemy that they had to team up against it, which is exactly what Joe Biden has done. 

Starting the war in Ukraine has been an absolute disaster but pushing China and Russia into each other's arms was a massive mistake. It's to the point where China and Russia are de facto allies and both North Korea and Iran are teaming up with them as well. 

This would obviously change the threat environment even if China wasn't increasing their nuclear forces at a staggering rate. Mutually assured destruction does not work if one side has a major advantage over the other. Russia, China and North Korea may believe that the United States no longer has enough nukes to destroy all three countries and might be willing to risk a conflict if they can get a first strike off. And since Russia has the advantage in hypersonic weapons, they might have a chance. 

Is China the bigger threat? I am not sure. Russia has the obvious advantage of having a lot more nukes, China currently does not even have 1000 warheads. I think it's clear that it would be a lot better to get into a war with China alone than a war with Russia. 

But I think it's also clear that Russia doesn't seem to care all that much about red lines. They absolutely should have used nuclear weapons during the Ukraine War, even before Ukraine did their failure invasion into the Kursk area. China though? I think they would be a lot more willing to use nukes than Putin is. I think that if Taiwan kicks off we would be a lot closer to a nuclear war than the current situation in Ukraine. 

Either way, it's disgusting that I even have to write about this. Biden's foreign policy was just terrible and his failures were predictable. And it wasn't just him, the main reason I voted for Trump back in 2016 was because I knew that she would have started the Ukraine war much earlier. 

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