Monday, April 29, 2024

States file lawsuits against Biden Administration's Title IX transgender rules.


Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt. AP.

Several states have filed lawsuits against the Biden Administration's new Title IX transgender rules. AP. The officials argue that the policy would hurt women and girls and damage free speech rights. The rules would add "gender identity" to the groups that Title IX, a 1972 regulation that prohibits sex based discrimination at schools that receive federal funds. Biden's change of the legislation would bar many recent laws in conservative states that protect girls and woman's sports by barring biological males from them. Laws that disallow people from using opposite sex bathrooms would be at risk as well. Biden's rule would also bar teachers from "mis-gendering" students, which means teachers would not be able to refer to children by their actual sex. Some states have said they will not enforce Biden's ruling regardless. 

My Comment:

Biden's unilateral evisceration of Title IX was not going to be taken lying down. With several states filing separate lawsuits against his new rules, I am guessing that this will be put on a judicial hold before it would go into effect this August. 

This is also a rare issue where the right can agree with portions of the left on. In reality the trans-positive part of the Democratic coalition is small. There are a lot of people on the far left that are anti-trans, though for different reasons than most Republicans. Both groups agree that transgender "women" aren't actually women, but for different reasons. The left are often trans-exclusionary radical feminists (also known as the slur TERFs). They believe that male-to-female transgender (MTF's) people are just trying to oppress actual women. 

I do think that these anti-trans laws are necessary. I don't think that transgender children are a thing that would exist naturally and it's mostly cultural contamination that causes them. Transgenderism is literally a meme by the original Richard Dawkins meaning of the word, an idea transmitted via culture. Stopping it should be a cultural priority, at least when it comes to children. Adults can and will do what they want but children do not have the maturity to make decisions that will affect them for the rest of their lives. That's why they aren't allowed to consent to sex, marriage or other body modifications, like tattoos.   

The desire by pro-trans people to get opposite sex students in sports is extremely disruptive to woman and girl's sports. Sexual dimorphism is a thing that exists in humans and pumping someone full of hormones is not going to change that. Almost any MTF transgender will have a major advantage over almost all women in woman's sports just because of basic biology. It has lead to the absurd situation where women are simply unable to meaningfully compete against MTF's. This isn't even speculation, there have been dozens of reports of transgender students absolutely destroying female competitors. 

The bathrooms use is disturbing as well. Bathrooms and locker rooms are vulnerable places for women and girls and there have been several cases of sexual assault by transgender students in bathrooms and locker rooms. The most notable case was the one that propelled Glenn Youngkin to the Governor's office in Virginia, but that was far from the only one. 

What really gets me is the compelled speech present in Biden's Title IX rules. Most people don't believe that transgender people are really their perceived sex. And many people have ideological or religious objection to transgender ideology. Forcing them to conform to things they believe to be false is a huge violation of the 1st amendment and should not be tolerated.

The real question is why Biden tried to do this now? This is the kind of unpopular policy that it makes zero sense to do in election year. It's going to be a huge issue and one that will take away voters from Joe Biden in a year where he can't afford to lose even a single vote. If it was his 2nd term this might make sense to try and push, even though there would be backlash against it. But that's not the case so it's impossible to see this as anything other than an own-goal. 

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