Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Uganda passes one of the most extreme anti-gay laws that bans even identifying as LGBT


Two gay men from Uganda after fleeing to Kenya. NBC News/AP.

Uganda has passed one of the most extreme anti-gay laws in the world which bans even identifying as LGBT. NBC News. Uganda is one of many African nations that already banned homosexual activity, but the new law goes beyond that. It is the first known law that criminalizes even identifying as homosexual. The law also mandates life in prison for gay sex and the death penalty for gay sex while HIV positive as well as having gay sex with a minor. The law is likely to be signed by Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni. The law is being condemned by the UN and other governments. 

My Comments:

This law seems like an overreaction to what is happening in the west. The Ugandans probably see how our country has drag queen story hours and active grooming in media and government and, quite reasonably, think "let's make sure that doesn't happen here".

Of course the opposite of a bad idea is often a bad idea itself and this law goes far beyond anything else that has been passed. It's fairly absurd to ban even identifying as being LGBT and so is life in prison for gay sex. It's completely ridiculous. 

With that being said, the death penalty conditions aren't quite as absurd as people are saying. Having sex with someone while HIV positive is something that I believe should be criminalized, but only if done without informing the partner. But the death penalty for having sex with an underaged child? That's not that unreasonable, even if I wouldn't advocate itself. A lot of people think that should be the punishment for child molestation in the first place, which is why a lot of articles are not reporting on what the actual conditions are. 

Uganda will probably pay a price for this. They have angered both the United Nations and the United States with this law. I've got mixed feelings on that. I don't think this law is at all justified but I also think that it's wrong for other countries to punish all of Uganda because of one law. On the other hand, I would support cutting off support from Uganda regardless since I'm opposed to foreign aid in the first place. It's a complicated situation. 

I do know that LGBT activists will have a field day with this. They now have a strawman they can use to attack anyone who is at all critical of their behavior. Don't agree with drag queen story hours or pornographic books in schools? Don't think people should be canceled for being mildly critical of transgender people or because you played a game that was somewhat connected to someone who did? Don't want to wear the pride flag? You are just like the people in Uganda passing this law (which will be exaggerated into Uganda killing all of the gays or something).

I know the golden mean fallacy is a thing, but I really do think that both sides here are way too extreme. I do believe that LGBT people should be left alone as long as they are leaving everyone else alone. Criminalizing this behavior isn't going to solve anything and it's stupid to do so for things that aren't harmful. But that doesn't mean we have to go full clown world degeneracy either. We can criticize things like grooming and turning six year old children into opposite genders without going full Uganda. 

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