Thursday, March 30, 2023

The Democrats and powers that be have gone utterly insane...


Joe Biden.

Today has been one of the most absurd days in political history and that is really saying something. Merely days after the murder of six people, including three nine year old children, Joe Biden's administration decided that the right move would be to make March 31st the "Trans Day of Visibility". This is the same day that trans activists have declared the "Trans Day of Vengeance", which is considered so violent that it has been banned from Twitter. 

It's hard to overstate the absurdity of this. Imagine if in the aftermath of the Elliot Rodger shooting the President of the United States declared "Incel Visibility Day". Imagine after the congressional baseball shooting the President of the United States declared "Shoot a Congressman Day". Imagine after any of the ISIS attacks the President of the United States declared "Worship Muhammad" Day. None of those things would have ever happened, even during the most absurd days of ISIS apology we had. Because to do so would be insane. 

But that's what the Biden White House did. Instead of reassuring young families that their kids were safe from those who would cause them harm, instead Biden took the side of the killer. Instead of even mildly criticizing the trans activism that we are all pretty sure was the primary motivation for this attack, he doubled down on criticizing the people that were killed. Because, in his world, Christians are to blame when someone targets a religious school/church and kills six people.

It doesn't matter that three of the people killed were children. It doesn't even matter that one of the adults was a black man. Nope, all that matters is that Transgender people, even though one of their own committed this horrible crime. It also doesn't matter that trans activists are getting more and more shrill and deranged to the point where I'm half convinced there will be violence on Saturday at this stupid Trans Day of Vengeance protest. 

Of course since this is clown world, this entire story is getting buried because of an even stupider move, the indictment of Donald Trump. I had convinced myself that no prosecutor would be so idiotic to charge a former President on such shaky legal ground under such unstable political conditions. But it happened and now we all have to pay the price. 

I don't think there is a person alive that doesn't think that these charges are politically motivated. Democrats don't think they can beat Trump again, even with their "enhanced" and "secure" elections so they are trying to take him down now.

What is truly shocking about this is that it's so obviously an own-goal, charging President Trump won't work, it will only make him dramatically more popular. The other candidates in the GOP race might as well drop out now (or refuse to run in the case of Ron DeSantis) because so many people will be voting for Trump in principal alone now. 

Which makes me wonder if something else is going on here. One thought is that the Nashville shooting was so damaging to their agenda that they needed something, anything, to distract from it. The Trump indictment fits that role nicely and given that every indication was that the Democrats had backed off from this idiocy last week. Doing so seems absurd but so does risking a war with Russia over Ukraine and that happened too. 

What I am really worried about is that the Democrats seem to be trying to provoke some kind of reaction from the right. It's like they want a terror attack to occur, and it's very possible. After all, the massive wave terrorism from ISIS inspired the deadly New Zealand Mosque attack. Brenton Tarrant committed that attack after the vehicle ramming death of a young girl, Ebba Akerlund. It wasn't just her death but the western world's apparent refusal to do anything about it. Now we have another terror attack where the powers that be are making excuses for while at the same time focusing more on trying to persecute a former President and his supporters. It's a recipe for disaster and I can't imagine that the Democrats don't know what they are doing here. 

Of course, much of this is a moot point, America is in a steep decline regardless. Forget about our cultural problems and our out of control political deep state, the US government badly miscalculated on Ukraine. Right now the only thing holding up the economy is duct tape and the remaining confidence the American people have in it. Without a major change in course, I don't see how the economy survives. And when that happens a lot of this is going to be irrelevant  

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