Sunday, June 6, 2021

Chinese military also has their own UFO investigation and has been overwhelmed by sightings.


Chinese military officers. RT/Reuters.

The Chinese military also has their own UFO investigation and the unit has been overwhelmed by sightings. RT. The PLA uses a three tiered classification system for unidentified air conditions, the Chinese government euphemism for UFO's. The unit collects information from radar stations, pilots, police officers, weather stations and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Each sighting is analyzed and assigned a threat level based on behavior and physical features. An AI assists in sorting the sightings. Most of the sightings have been explained by natural phenomenon. Other cases are explained as human activity, including drones. 

My Comment:

This should not be surprising. Indeed, I bet every serious government on earth has an unit that investigates unidentified aerial phenomenon. After all, the mundane explanations for these events are a major threat to foreign governments, just like they are here in the United States. 

Most serious for the Chinese is the threat of drones and unknown foreign aircraft, which probably explain many of these sightings. Obviously drones are a threat given that they collect intelligence and can be used in both warfare and terrorism. Governments have to take UFO's seriously for that reason alone.

And I do think that the rise of drones has caused a major uptick in UFO sightings. Drones are everywhere now, used by both the government and civilians. Some of them look weird at best and could be easily mistaken for something else. 

But I am guessing that there are some sightings that the Chinese can't explain. And I doubt we will ever hear about those cases given the secrecy of the Chinese government. Indeed, if Aliens are real and have an embassy in Beijing the western world would never hear about it barring a leak happening or American intelligence agencies finding out about it. 

Still, it does seem like governments are taking UFO's a lot more seriously. They always studied them but now they are publicly discussing them. Indeed, a major report from the US government is due to this month about UFO's and I will be watching closely.  

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