Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Joe Biden argues the 2nd amendment is irrelevent because the government has "F-15's and nukes"


An F-15EX Eagle. Public domain photo.

Joe Biden made a major speech attacking gun rights saying among other things that "to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons". Fox News. The comments were made as crime is surging in the United States. Biden blamed the surge on guns and vowed to go after gun dealers instead of the criminals committing crimes. Biden also said he would be asking for more money to fund non-police solutions to crime. 

My Comment:

Before I get into the meat and bones of this discussion, make sure you watch that clip from CBS's twitter account. The amount of decline seen in Joe Biden was shocking to me. The quotes I have seen from these speech universally edit out the stumbling and nonsense words that Biden was saying. Comparing it to the 2012 election cycle debate where he did a good job against Paul Ryan, or even the 2020 election cycle is shocking. 

Biden, or more actually his handlers, were of course lying through there teeth. Most of the claims he made were false, with the most ridiculous being that people couldn't by cannons back in revolutionary war times. Indeed, people back then owned entire warships and you can still buy cannons today if you have the money. It's a totally false argument. 

And, of course, going after gun dealers is the exact opposite of something that will help. Most criminals either steal their guns, buy them from the black market or use straw purchases to get their weapons. Acting against those things might possibly help the crime wave in some small way but creating more paperwork and hassle for legal gun dealers will not do a thing to help. I haven't seen any evidence that there are legal gun dealers selling guns to criminals. Indeed, most of the gun dealers I have been to were super serious about background checks.

The crime waves actual cause is of course the lack of policing going on. Police have been muzzled, handicapped and demonized to the point where they can no longer do their jobs. And the complete lack of consequences of last summer's riots have sent the message to criminals that it is open season on criminals. Fixing this would require a crackdown on crime which would likely break apart the Democrat's already fragile coalition. 

But the most dangerous comments were the ones where Biden essentially threatened to use F-15's and nukes against patriots resisting him. To be fair, dropping a nuke on my apartment would probably stop me from fighting back against the government. But it would also incinerate much of Northeast Wisconsin, spread radiation to much of the Midwest and infuriate even our closest allies. Dropping a JDAM on my apartment would be better but not by much, since you would also kill everyone else who lives here. 

And it's insane that Biden is making the argument because it obviously isn't true. Our air superiority didn't help us win in Vietnam, it didn't help us win in Iraq and it also didn't help us win in Afghanistan. Indeed, we are in the process pulling our troops out of Afghanistan with our tails between our legs because all our advanced technology was not able to defeat a bunch of poorly armed insurgents hiding out in the mountains. 

It's also incredibly hypocritical. Biden, the Democrats and the American Media have been going on for months how the January 6th countercoup was a threat to Democracy and that they almost overthrew the government. If that is the case than his argument falls apart because a small group of totally unarmed patriots was able to almost topple the government? I guess those F-15's and nukes weren't so helpful after all...

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