Friday, September 4, 2020

President Trump issues memo banning the use of critical race theory at federal agencies.


President Donald Trump. The Hill/UPI.

President Donald Trump has issued a new memo banning the use of critical race theory at federal agencies. The Hill. The OMB will cancel sensitivity training that teach employees that America is an inherently evil or racist country. Theories such as critical race theory or white privilege will no longer be used in cases where the contracts can be legally canceled. The training programs are holdovers from the Obama administration and OBM head Russell Vought has condemned them as un-American and divisive. 

My Comment:

This is a move that is long overdue and it's actually disappointing that President Trump has waited until now to do this. Critical race theory and the concept of "white privilege" is pretty obviously racist in itself. The idea that one race is responsible for all the problems in the world is something that would have been considered unthinkable when I was growing up. 

It also makes zero sense for the government of America to tell it's workers that America itself is some kind of despotic hellhole where everyone is racist all the time. There is no reason to bring down the very country they are supposed to be serving. 

Unfortunately these kinds of programs are ubiquitous now. State governments have adapted these same programs as well as many private companies. Millions of people are told that they themselves are racist and that the country they live in is evil. 

I don't buy any of that. America has had problems but none of those are unique to us. I have always felt that racism is a human universal as people are hard coded to notice differences. The difference is that most people will give people a chance regardless of race. Indeed, my generation was raised that race shouldn't matter, it's a person's behavior and actions that they should be judged on. 

Unfortunately that appears to have gone to the wayside. Instead of judging people on the content of your character you are judged on the color of your skin. If you are white you are bad but if you aren't white you are fine. Of course what counts as white depends on the circumstances. Asians and Hispanics are Schrodinger's whites, oppressed when it is convenient but privileged when it is not. And even black people can be denounced as "Uncle Toms" if they don't toe the line. 

I think it's long past due to move on from this kind of racial thinking. If someone is a bad person it shouldn't matter what color their skin is. And if they are good it's the same way. A person is not just their skin color and the old "color-blind" way of thinking was much better. 

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