Monday, September 28, 2020

Debate information and live tweet reminder.


Moderator Chris Wallace. NPR/Getty.

As you may know the 1st Presidential Debate is on tomorrow. As usual, I plan to live tweet the event. If you would like to follow along you can do so on Twitter, Gab, or Parler. I usually have a lot of fun watching these things and it might be fun to follow along. 

As for the debate itself NPR has an article up, but I'll summarize here. The debate is going to be at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio and will begin at 8:00pm central and will end at 9:30, supposedly. The moderator is Fox News Journalist Chris Wallace, which isn't without controversy as he is widely seen as suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. He's probably going to be the most objective out of the moderators, but that is damning by faint praise. 

The debate will cover the following topics in 15 minute segments:

1.Trump's and Biden's records

2. Supreme Court

3. Coronavirus

4. Economy

5. Race and violence in U.S. cities

6. The integrity of the election

There are some obvious and huge things missing from that list of topics. Most notably there is no mention of foreign policy at all. There is also no mention of Joe Biden's various scandals (Ukraine, sexual assault, the creepy hair sniffing, the fact that he's going senile) or even the faux scandal of the day, the Trump tax returns. 

The common thought is that President Trump will wipe the floor with Joe Biden. That actually doesn't help him that much. Expectations for Joe Biden are so low that if he manages to even be semi-coherent he will seen to exceed them. I think people are half expecting that Biden will call the moderator the n-word, collapse and fall, or even start drooling. That's how far gone he is but I am guessing he will have enough drugs in his system that he will be able to make it through without a career ending gaffe or medial emergency. To be clear, I don't think he will win the debate, on performance or argument, but the people who expect this debate to put Biden away are probably going to be disappointed. 

As for President Trump, I'm confident he will do well. From what I understand Chris Christie and Rudy Giuliani have been helping him practice. Plus he's been holding daily rallies so it's not like he's out of practice. What little I have seen of his most recent speaking has been fairly good. Expect him to go on the offense and not give Biden a chance to hit him on anything. 

There is still a chance the debate won't happen. Biden met with Governor Ralph Northam who has recently been diagnosed with Covid-19. I'm afraid that Biden will use that as an excuse to not participate in the debate. Doing so would probably end his campaign though, so I am guessing that Biden will try and make it through. 

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