Sunday, March 24, 2019

Major Islamic terror plot broken up in Germany.

German police officer. BBC/Getty.

A major Islamic terror plot has been broken up in Germany. BBC. 10 people were arrested in raids that involved 200 police officers in the states of Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate. The plot involved multiple gun and vehicle attacks with a goal to kill as many "non believers" as possible. German police claim that the main plotters had already rented a large vehicle and were in contact with weapons dealers as well. $22,500 was also seized as well. It is unclear if the plotters had links to a wider terror organization. 

My Comment:
Looks like a very serious attack broken up in Germany. If all the plotters arrested in those raids, they could have killed dozens if not hundreds of people. A combined attack with both shooters and a truck ramming attack would be a disaster, and that's assuming that they didn't attack in multiple places at once. 

It seems like this attack was almost ready to go. All that the attackers seemed to need was weapons and they already had contact with arms dealers. They had the money to probably buy a few guns, though $22,500 would not go as far as one would think. They probably could have gotten a least a few rifles and ammunition though. 

However, it seems that the complexity of this attack was the undoing. My guess is that they were betrayed to German authorities by someone. It's likely that an undercover officer burned their operation or they were reported by someone who knew about the plot that didn't want to get involved. 

Indeed, the complexity of the plot is a sure reason why it failed. Had they just gone and attacked right away with the truck they rented they would likely have been successful. That attack wouldn't have the impact of the one they were planning but it would have worked before everyone got arrested. And given how large the plot was they might have been able to do it more than once before they were all rounded up and arrested. 

I haven't been able to find out if this plot was supported by a larger terror group. My guess would be no largely because ISIS has been pretty much completely defeated. They don't have the money or the ability to fund large attacks like this. That means that ISIS is an unlikely suspect, unless it's one of the affiliate factions like Boko Haram or ISIS in Egypt. 

Another possible suspect is al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). AQAP has been silent for a long time since the Charlie Hebdo attacks and they have been as unsuccessful on the battlefield as ISIS has been, but they are still in a better position to have provided funds and support for this attack. 

Most likely though, I am guessing that this plot sprung up without the help of a wider terror network. Given the current state of international terrorist organizations, I don't see how anyone else could have funded this. Unless there is an unknown terror group out there, I don't see who else could be responsible. This was likely an organic home grown plot... 

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